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Military Child Education Coalition ® Military Child Education Coalition ® 1  How is Socorro ISD Impacted?  Military Clubs to Ease Transitions.

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Presentation on theme: "Military Child Education Coalition ® Military Child Education Coalition ® 1  How is Socorro ISD Impacted?  Military Clubs to Ease Transitions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Military Child Education Coalition ® Military Child Education Coalition ® 1  How is Socorro ISD Impacted?  Military Clubs to Ease Transitions

2 Socorro ISD Socorro currently has close to 2800 military connected kids By 2014 we are expecting at least 750 more students due to base closures moving to Fort Bliss

3 Frequent Moves 3 The average student moves 6-12 times in their Educational Career 2 of those moves are during High School

4 How Can We Help? S2S for High Schools JS2S for Middle Schools ES2S for Elementary

5 What is S2S ? Imagine wondering if you will need to eat your lunch in the restroom for the next 2 weeks. S2S can ease those fears. The MCEC Student 2 Student (S2S) program trains civilian and military-connected school students to establish and sustain peer-based programs in their schools to support mobile children as they transition to and from the school.

6 Deployment Stress Affects Kids Each Child Handles a deployment differently Somatic Symptoms such as Head and Stomach aches Depression Withdrawal Anger Behavior

7 How Can Deployment Clubs Help? Clubs that create a sense of belonging and connection with other students who are going through deployments too. All age children will feel safe in an environment with like peers

8 What would a deployment Club look like? Middle/High School- A time to gather together to talk, being heard will make the greatest impact. Lunchtime would be ideal. Elementary-Lunchtime gatherings to talk, I have many resources to help such as time capsules to chart growth, books to read and discuss

9 I am here to help! You do not have to do this alone. I am here to help you. I can facilitate or assist. Lets get together and discuss more ideas, I have a lot of them.

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