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Culturally Secure Recruitment and Retention Jill Rundle, CEO, Western Australian Network of Alcohol and other Drug Agencies.

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Presentation on theme: "Culturally Secure Recruitment and Retention Jill Rundle, CEO, Western Australian Network of Alcohol and other Drug Agencies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Culturally Secure Recruitment and Retention Jill Rundle, CEO, Western Australian Network of Alcohol and other Drug Agencies

2 Recruitment and retention issues Workforce planning WANDA’s experience

3 Recruitment and Retention Guide Initiated by Aboriginal Network Aboriginal staff and managers from across the sector were asked to contribute Resource approved by the Aboriginal Network Launch – broad interest

4 Recruitment issues What would be the benefits of recruiting an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander worker? Make the process fit with the role expectations Encourage Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander interest even if not a dedicated position Aboriginal panel member Looking for a good fit both ways

5 Retention issues Support Skills development Recognise and acknowledge unique contribution Accept different ways of working Accept poaching will happen Acknowledge achievements, change can happen in the NFP sector

6 Workshop What do you do now? What could you commit to doing? Evaluate if new strategies have made a difference

7 Questions?

8 Workshop Objectives To gain a better understanding of why culturally security is important for recruitment and retention; To provide an overview of the Culturally Secure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Recruitment and Retention Guide; To provide an opportunity for participants to reflect on strengthening their current recruitment and retention practices; To proactively begin to address issues raised at the 2013 ACT ATOD Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Workers Workshop; To contribute to broader ACT ATOD Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workforce development initiatives; and To progress priority areas for action identified by the ACT ATOD Reconciliation Working Group.

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