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Operation Husky By: Arvin and Brenden. Video ng.asp?ID=842 ng.asp?ID=842.

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Presentation on theme: "Operation Husky By: Arvin and Brenden. Video ng.asp?ID=842 ng.asp?ID=842."— Presentation transcript:

1 Operation Husky By: Arvin and Brenden

2 Video ng.asp?ID=842 ng.asp?ID=842

3 Dates and Locations 1943-1945 Campaign began July 10 1943 Took place in Italy (Canadian Geographic)

4 Allied forces Had 470,000 personnel 14,000 vehicles 600 tanks 1,800 guns 5,837 killed 15,683 wounded 3,326 captured which is a total of 24,820 casualties (Totally History)

5 Germany and Italy 230,000 Italian personnel 60,000 German personnel 260 tanks 1,400 aircrafts German 20,000 casualties 131,359-147,000 killed, wounded or POW Mostly POW (Prisoners of War) (History)

6 Major players Canada France Germany losses were greater then what they could handle Italy America helped stop Germany (Canada at war)

7 Germany The Germany lost 30,000 soldiers and 44,000 infantry A lot of weapons especially tanks They lost so many experienced troops and equipment that this brought the war to a quick end because this was there last attack (History)

8 Outcome This battle is significant because this was Hitler’s last major offensive attack in the war His plan was to destroy the allied forces but, Germany took the bigger loss


10 Invasion of Italy


12 About the Battle The Germans and Italian losses mostly prisoners Operation husky is a code name which is actually called Allied invasion of Sicily

13 Plans and preparations Did not use there original plan There were 2760 ships near Malta They came from the river Clyde

14 The Landings There were high winds that affected the planes in the air. 400 transport aircraft 137 gliders

15 When This happened 70 years ago and 25,000 Canadian soldiers went to Italy to fight

16 Work Cited "WWII: Conquest of Sicily - Canada at War." Canada at War RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2015. "Results and Significance." Battle of the Bulge. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Jan. 2015.

17 More Work Cited "Invasion of Sicily." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2015. "Operation Husky Summary – Allied Invasion of Sicily in Summer 1943." Totally History Operation Husky Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2015.

18 More Work Cited "Operation Husky: Canada's Forgotten Second World War History - Canadian Geographic." Operation Husky: Canada's Forgotten Second World War History - Canadian Geographic. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2015.

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