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Healthy Living Guide «GOOD AND BAD HABITS»

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Presentation on theme: "Healthy Living Guide «GOOD AND BAD HABITS»"— Presentation transcript:

1 Healthy Living Guide «GOOD AND BAD HABITS»
(открытый урок по английскому языку в 9 классе) Выполнила учитель английского языка МОУ СОШ № 2 Козлова Татьяна Валерьевна г. Тверь 26 ноября 2014 г.


3 The theme of our lesson today «GOOD AND BAD HABITS»
The aim of our lesson Learning new words and word combinations on the theme of good and bad habits. Speaking about good and bad habits.

4 Proverbs about health Good health is above wealth
An apple a day keeps a doctor away Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise A sound mind in a sound body

5 Find the Russian equivalents for these English proverbs
Good health is above wealth Кто рано ложится и рано встаёт, здоровье, богатство и ум наживёт An apple a day keeps a doctor away В здоровом теле – здоровый дух Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise Кушай по яблоку в день, и доктор не понадобится A sound mind in a sound body Здоровье дороже богатства

6 Proverbs about health Good health is above wealth
An apple a day keeps a doctor away Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise A sound mind in a sound body

7 wealth is good above health a day apple an away keeps doctor a
Put the words of the proverbs about health in a logical order wealth is good above health a day apple an away keeps doctor a to and healthy bed wise makes a rise man early and early to wealthy a mind sound in body a sound

8 New words and word combinations
Smoke - курить Healthy - здоровый Skip breakfast – пропускать завтрак Get up early and go to bed early – рано вставать и рано ложиться Wash your hands –мыть руки Watch TV too long – слишком долго смотреть телевизор Go in for sports – заниматься спортом Clean your teeth – чистить зубы Sleep enough – достаточно спать Take a cold shower – принимать холодный душ Eat too many sweets – есть слишком много конфет Spend much time indoors – проводить много времени в помещении Eat between meals – есть между приемами пищи Air the room – проветривать комнату Drink alcohol – пить алкоголь A healthy diet – здоровая диета Obesity – ожирение Good plain food – хорошая простая пища

9 You should You shouldn’t
Get up early and go to bed early Wash your hands Smoke Watch TV too long Go in for sports Clean your teeth Sleep enough Take a cold shower Eat too many sweets Spend much time indoors Eat between meals Air the room Healthy Skip breakfast Drink alcohol A healthy diet Obesity Good plain food

10 You should Get up early and go to bed early Wash your hands
Go in for sports Sleep enough Take a cold shower Air the room Clean your teeth

11 You shouldn’t Smoke Watch TV too long Eat too many sweets
Spend much time indoors Eat between meals Skip breakfast Drink alcohol

12 Первичное закрепление лексики по теме « Здоровый образ жизни» «Good and bad habits»
Fill good plain food, bad habits, drinking too much alcohol and smoking, sport, sleep for seven or eight hours, a healthy diet, physical exercises, smoking, personal hygiene in The modern bad habits are ……. …….. is really a good way to live. Our town life today gives us little opportunities for…….. Doctors always advise us to eat ……… ……. makes people healthy and keep them fit. If you want to keep fit you must……… ……. is dangerous for our health. A healthy way of life includes …….. and absence of……..

13 The modern bad habits are drinking too much alcohol and smoking.
Первичное закрепление лексики по теме « Здоровый образ жизни» «Good and bad habits» The modern bad habits are drinking too much alcohol and smoking. A healthy diet is really a good way to live. Our town life today gives us little opportunities for physical exercises. Doctors always advise us to eat good plain food. Sport makes people healthy and keep them fit. If you want to keep fit you must sleep for seven or eight hours. Smoking is dangerous for our health. A healthy way of life includes personal hygiene and absence of bad habits.

14 What do you do to keep fit?
A magic flower What do you do to keep fit?

15 Thank you for your attention!

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