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Chapter 10 “Expanding West” Part 2 Ms. Monteiro 100 200 400 300 400 Trails West Texas Manifest Destiny Grab bag 300 200 400 200 100 500 100 200 300 400.

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2 Chapter 10 “Expanding West” Part 2 Ms. Monteiro

3 100 200 400 300 400 Trails West Texas Manifest Destiny Grab bag 300 200 400 200 100 500 100 200 300 400 California Gold Rush 100 500

4 Row 1, Col 1 What was the name of the area in the Pacific Northwest that was claimed by Britain, Russia, Spain, and the United States? Oregon Country

5 2,1 About how long did it take to travel the Oregon Trail to the West? 6 months

6 3,1 What religious group did Joseph Smith start? Mormons

7 4,1 Who was Brigham Young? Second leader of the Mormon church

8 5,1 The rush to the West occurred in part because of this item of clothing Beaver Hat

9 1,2 This Mexican priest led a rebellion to overthrow Spanish control of Mexico Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla

10 2,2 Name the empresario who brought the first 300 Anerican families to settle in Texas while it was still part of Mexico. Stephen F. Austin

11 3,2 Who was the ruler of Mexico, who suspended Mexico’s constitution and wanted to put greater control on the American settlers in Texas? Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna

12 4,2 What was the rallying cry of the Texans at the Battle of San Jacinto? “Remember the Alamo”

13 5,2 Who became the hero of the Texan war for independence, had the capital of Texas named after him, and became its first president? Sam Houston

14 1,3 What do we call the idea that the United States was meant to spread from “sea to shining sea”, from the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans? Manifest Destiny

15 2,3 In 1844, what was the main reason that James K. Polk was elected a President? He believed in Manifest Destiny - Expansionism

16 3,3 What was the slogan “Fifty-four forty or fight!” about? Latitude line to which Americans wanted their northern territory to extend

17 4,3 Name for the event in which Americans declared California to be an independent nation Bear Flag Revolt

18 5,3 In 1864, who was the U.S. Naval commander who came ashore in California, raised the U.S. flag, and claimed California for the United States? U.S. Navy Commodore Robert Stockton

19 1,4 Before the Gold Rush, what was the main reason that people came to California? Meeting ground for traders from Mexico and the United States

20 2,4 Name the group of people who in 1846 traveled to California but were stranded in the Sierra Nevada Mountains in winter. Donner Party

21 3,4 What California port city became a convenient trade center and stopping point for people on the way to the gold fields? San Francisco

22 4,4 Approximately what percentage of forty-niners came from foreign countries? 20 Percent

23 5,4 What was the name for forty-niners who used pans or other devices to wash gold nuggets out of loose rock or gravel? Placer Miners

24 4,4 Name the slave who was brought to California, gained her freedom, moved to the “small village” of Los Angeles, and eventually became one of the wealthiest landowners in California Biddy Mason

25 4,4 Until this was completed, California was isolated for twenty years from the rest of the United States Transcontinental Railroad

26 4,4 Most miners did not become this Rich

27 4,4 In the dry climate of the West, large-scale agriculture was not possible without irrigation and this lead to arguments over what? Water Rights

28 4,4 During the early years of Spanish rule of the West, what was the name of the system that organized and governed the land? Mission System

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