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Isaiah 5:8-13. We have heard before of the idea that history repeats itself We certainly see time periods when it seems as though the world is overrun.

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Presentation on theme: "Isaiah 5:8-13. We have heard before of the idea that history repeats itself We certainly see time periods when it seems as though the world is overrun."— Presentation transcript:

1 Isaiah 5:8-13

2 We have heard before of the idea that history repeats itself We certainly see time periods when it seems as though the world is overrun with wickedness We think back to the wickedness in the days of Noah (Gen. 6:5-6)

3 We often times compare our world today with that world There were also times in Israel’s history when they had turned from God Isaiah was a prophet during one of those times

4 In chapter 5 there are 6 woes that are given to the COI That word “woe” is a word that expresses grief or sorrow It is to lament or express that sorrow over something (usually connected with death)

5 Israel, at this time, was experiencing a spiritual death They had strayed from following the commandments of God Therefore there is sorrow expressed in Isaiah 5 over this spiritual departure from God

6 At the same time, there were some specific sins that led to their spiritual demise These are listed out as 6 different woes or laments May we learn from this history so we are not doomed to repeat it (Rom. 15:4)

7 1. Woe to the covetous (vs. 8-10) There were some who were buying up all the land and the houses to own for themselves This pushed many out of the land as a result They were not sharing what they had with others

8 1. Woe to the covetous (vs. 8-10) Solomon warned of those who loved accumulation and would not be satisfied (Ecc. 5:10) Our conduct and conversation should be without covetousness; instead we should be content (Heb. 13:5)

9 1. Woe to the covetous (vs. 8-10) “Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses” (Lk. 12:15) Our treasures should be laid up in heaven, not upon this earth (Matt. 6:19-21)

10 1. Woe to the covetous (vs. 8-10) It’s a very dangerous thing to get caught up with the “stuff” of this world I Timothy 6:6-10, 17-19 We need to be aware of covetousness that we do not forget about those who are in need in this world

11 2. Woe to pleasure seekers (vs. 11-17) The next lamenting that is mentioned revolves around those who only seek for pleasure in this life This is the crowd that lived to party We see this portion of our society today that lives to hit up clubs and parties as often as possible

12 2. Woe to pleasure seekers (vs. 11-17) The result of all this partying was that “they do not regard the work of the Lord, nor consider the operation of His hands” (v. 12) Solomon spoke about this very thing in Ecclesiastes 7:2,4

13 2. Woe to pleasure seekers (vs. 11-17) “Therefore my people have gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge…” (v. 13) They weren’t concerned with knowledge, only with fulfilling their pleasures and desires They would be humbled

14 3. Woe to slaves of sin (vs. 18-19) There were many who were pulling their burdens of sin around with a rope Here it is referred to as a cord of vanity, which also means falsehood This gives us a great description of what sin really is all about

15 3. Woe to slaves of sin (vs. 18-19) “Sin will take you farther than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay, and cost you more than you want to pay” They were pulling this heavy load of sin around with them (Heb. 12:1-2) They were so attached to their sinful ways

16 3. Woe to slaves of sin (vs. 18-19) Cords of falsehood refers to the fact that sin lies to us Sin always looks so good, but the results are never what we wanted or intended How long will we too continue to believe the lies of sin and carry it around with us?

17 3. Woe to slaves of sin (vs. 18-19) They also had a very defiant attitude in their sin They were calling for God to bring judgment in verse 19 They were either so bold in their sin or so wrapped up in it that they could not see their error

18 3. Woe to slaves of sin (vs. 18-19) Peter referred to these individuals as “scoffers” (II Pet. 3:3-4) There are still “scoffers” today who mock the coming of the Lord We need to be ready for that coming by letting go of our sin and heeding the woes given in scripture

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