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Joint project between Indiana University and Southern Federal University Duration of the project 2007-2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Joint project between Indiana University and Southern Federal University Duration of the project 2007-2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joint project between Indiana University and Southern Federal University Duration of the project 2007-2010

2 Joint project between University of Indiana Southern Federal University The project lasts since 2007 till 2010 It was financed by the Ministry of education of the USA and the Ministry of education and science of Russian Federation The contract for the cooperation between the Universities was signed in 2007

3 Joint project between University of Indiana and Southern Federal University The basic results of the rpoject: Three collective piblications (published by Southern Federal University in Russian) “Virtual class” 2007-2010 Two MA programs and more than 30 new courses in SFU Two international conferences in 2007, 2008 in Rostov- on-Don Web page devoted to the project on

4 Joint project between Indiana University and Southern Federal University

5 Delegation from Indiana University March 2008

6 Meeting of students of SFU with the delegation from Indiana University March 2008.

7 Students from Indiana University May 2008

8 Students from SFU June 2008

9 Publications of SFU in the frames of the project

10 Seminar of cooperation between Russian Federation and the USA in the sphere of education October 2008.

11 Seminar 3 October 2008

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