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Homer A. Neal University of Michigan Welcome to HEPIX2013 at the University of Michigan.

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Presentation on theme: "Homer A. Neal University of Michigan Welcome to HEPIX2013 at the University of Michigan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homer A. Neal University of Michigan Welcome to HEPIX2013 at the University of Michigan

2 Goal of Comments  To extend a warm welcome to each of the participants; we hope you will have an enjoyable stay in Ann Arbor  To say a few general words about the University of Michigan  To cite a few examples of Michigan’s contributions to physics  To say a few words about Michigan’s contributions to networking  To acknowledge the hard work of the Organizing Committee

3 The University of Michigan  The University of Michigan was founded in 1817 as one of the first public universities in the nation. It was first established on 1,920 acres of land ceded by the Chippewa, Ottawa, and Potawatomi people “...for a college at Detroit.” The school moved from Detroit to Ann Arbor in 1837, when Ann Arbor was only 13 years old. The city had a booming population of 2,000, a courthouse and jail, a bank, four churches and two mills.

4 Michigan History (today)  Today the University has over 51,000 students and 5,600 faculty at three campuses. The University of Michigan boasts of one of the largest health care complexes in the world, the best university library system in the country, and the some of the best computer access for students and faculty of any campus in the world. Over 5,500 undergraduate courses are taught each term in over 100 programs. Undergraduate, graduate and professional students have a choice of 17 separate schools and colleges, 588 majors, over 600 student organizations, 350 concerts and recitals every year, as well as hundreds of speakers, symposia, films, and readings.



7 A Word About Michigan Physics  Invention of the Bubble Chamber  First idea for racetrack cyclotron  Primary professional home for Uhlenbeck and Goudsmit – discoverers of electron spin  Discovery of proton spin (Dennison )  Major participation in the discovery of the top quark and Higgs boson  Discovery of  b and  b hyperons

8 First Collisions: A Remarkable Moment in Science


10 The Michigan ATLAS Group

11 Providing CERN Access for U.S. Students

12 A Major Role in the Internet

13 In the early 1900s, Dr. Aldred Warthin, an early pathologist, became one of the first researchers to establish that cancer could be hereditary. In 1954, U-M conducted the clinical trial that demonstrated the effectiveness of the Salk polio vaccine. In 1956, Dr. James V. Neel founded the first genetics department in a medical school in the U.S. Examples of contributions in other Fields

14  The University wants to acknowledge the enormous effort made by Shawn McKee and his colleagues on the Organizing Committee in making the Conference possible  Best wishes for a productive week!

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