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How much power is too much? The Catholic Church was the most powerful institution in Europe in 1500 The Pope was the leader of the Catholic Church and.

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Presentation on theme: "How much power is too much? The Catholic Church was the most powerful institution in Europe in 1500 The Pope was the leader of the Catholic Church and."— Presentation transcript:

1 How much power is too much? The Catholic Church was the most powerful institution in Europe in 1500 The Pope was the leader of the Catholic Church and the most powerful man in Europe Some church leaders abused their power, eventually causing a rift in the church

2 Corruption in the Catholic Church In Europe, bishops and the clergy often lived like the very wealthy, and seemed part of the ruling elite. In France, the king rather than the Pope chose people for church positions. Church sold "indulgences" – payments to the Church in exchange for a release from sin.

3 Cont. – Corruption in the Catholic Church Catholic churches were full of works of art: statues, shrines, paintings, relics of saints, altars ornamented with gold and jewels. The Church charged followers huge fees and tithes (tax- 1/10 th of income). Those who couldn’t pay faced excommunication (refusal of sacraments). Heretics (people who spoke out against the Church) were usually excommunicated or put to death.

4 What was the result of corruption in the Catholic Church?

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