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Martin Luther and. Babylonian Captivity and Great Schism  Undermined the power and authority of the Church  Made people question power of the.

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1 Martin Luther and





6 Babylonian Captivity and Great Schism  Undermined the power and authority of the Church  Made people question power of the papacy

7 John Wycliffe and Jan Hus  Wycliffe: Simplification of doctrine and less power for priests  Hus: Church made up of all faithful, not just priests; rejected authority of the pope’s  Both questioned transubstantiation

8 Popular Piety and Christian Humanism  Yearned for faith more relevant to daily life  Erasmus: charity and good works, not empty rituals, are marks of a true Christian Praise of Folly: Criticized pomposity and wealth of corrupt Church leaders

9 The Printing Press  New ideas about dissatisfaction with the Church could be spread quickly and easily  People could read the bible for themselves



12 Martin Luther (1483-1546)  Born in Saxony  Entered Augustan monastery after abandoning study of law  Did not feel salvation despite adherence to Church rituals and good works  This led to the idea of “Justification by faith alone” Faith alone saves; not good works and sacraments

13 Though I lived as a monk without reproach, I felt that I was a sinner before God with an extremely disturbed conscience. I could not believe that he was placated by my satisfaction in penance. I did not love, yes, I hated the righteous God who punishes sinners, and secretly I was angry with God…At last, by the mercy of God I gave heed to the context of the words in the Gospel: “The just shall live by faith.” There I began to understand that righteousness of God is that by which the righteous live by a gift of God, namely by faith.

14 Albrecht of Mainz  Simony – selling of Church positions for money  Borrows money to buy position  Sells indulgences to pay loan



17 Indulgences  Indulgences: Monetary substitution for penance Forgive a person’s time in purgatory and help to release their soul into heaven  Luther viewed indulgences as corrupt Buying forgiveness is meaningless Any penance is useless without faith. Faith is the key to salvation

18 95 Theses (1517)  Nailed to church door in Wittenberg  Attacks on indulgences and sale of Church offices  Printed and spread throughout HRE  Luther writes additional pamphlets

19 Address to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation  Denounced corrupt Italians in Rome who cheated and exploited Christians  Called on German princes to defend their nation and reform the church [reject Pope’s authority]  Priesthood of all believers: bible provides all necessary teachings for Christian living; laypeople aren't less important

20 On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church  Condemned the papacy as the embodiment of the Antichrist  Only 2 sacraments  Baptism and communion depend on faith, not a priest


22 The Luther Affair  Excommunication by Leo X in 1520  Diet of Worms (1521) before Charles V Luther refuses to retract statements Sent into exile  Luther protected by Frederick the Wise Translates bible during exile




26 Social Revolution  Peasant rebellion 1524 – 1525 Stirred by new religious ideas Social and economic aims blended Luther rejects connection with peasants Example of unrest that pervaded during this period

27 Political Rebellion  States of the empire view Charles efforts to repress Luther as a threat on their freedom  Conversion to Lutheranism Secularization of Church land  Schmalkaldic League formed by German princes  League goes to war against emperor in 1546

28 Political Rebellion  Peace of Augsburg (1555) States can chose Lutheranism or Catholicism  Effects German states become increasingly separate

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