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By: Jane Langston and Kali Hall.  A.Humanism 1.The enjoyment of everyday life (politics, sports, art, literature, music, philosophy, history, etc…) 2.Renaissance-rebirth.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Jane Langston and Kali Hall.  A.Humanism 1.The enjoyment of everyday life (politics, sports, art, literature, music, philosophy, history, etc…) 2.Renaissance-rebirth."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Jane Langston and Kali Hall

2  A.Humanism 1.The enjoyment of everyday life (politics, sports, art, literature, music, philosophy, history, etc…) 2.Renaissance-rebirth of the classics (Greek, Roman, Latin)- cultural rebirth B.Italian Renaissance 1.Italy is birthplace of Renaissance- Rome, Venice, Florence, Milan 2.Rebirth of architecture, sculpting, painting (Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci) Philosophy Behind the Renaissance (1400-1600)

3  C.Spread of Italian Renaissance 1.North to France, Britain, and rest of Europe 2.William Shakespeare, Thomas More (Utopia) Philosophy Cont.

4  A.Martin Luther (considered a main leader against church) 1.95 theses- Martin Luther nailed 95 criticisms of the Catholic church to the door of the church in Wittenberg (Germany) 2.Criticized indulgences - selling of church positions 3.Criticized inquisitions - seeking out those who spoke out against the church ( heretics ) and having them killed Protestant Reformation (reform Catholic Church)

5  A.Martin Luther (cont.) 4.Criticized church teachings- most people could not read; they relied on the word of priests and bishops to teach the bible; citizens were easily manipulated 5.Martin Luther was burned and killed for being a heretic 6.Lutheran Church- a new form of Protestant Christianity (trust in God’s love; truth lies in the bible) Reformation Cont.

6  B.Other forms of Protestants 1.Calvinism- founded by John Calvin; believed in predestination - your fate is predetermined by God 2.Anglican church (Church of England)- founded by Kind Henry VIII; he broke from the Catholic church because they would not let him get a divorce. He wanted a wife who could bear sons ***Criticism of the Protestant Reformation is that it formed too many factions of Protestant Christianity Reformation Cont.

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