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NEHEMIAH LEGACY :The Marks of a Servant Leader—VIII Nehemiah 10.

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Presentation on theme: "NEHEMIAH LEGACY :The Marks of a Servant Leader—VIII Nehemiah 10."— Presentation transcript:

1 NEHEMIAH LEGACY :The Marks of a Servant Leader—VIII Nehemiah 10

2 Nehemiah—Marks of a Servant Leader. Neh 10 NEHEMIAH LEGACY :The Marks of a Servant Leader—VIII Nehemiah 10 The third aspect of the national revival— application! keep and to observe all the commandments of God our Lord…(10:29) …all those who had knowledge and understanding…

3 Nehemiah—Marks of a Servant Leader. Neh 10 The 1 st -Centrality of the Word (Neh 8). Reading, hearing and teaching the Word: Response: Understood the gravity of their sin and situation: Weeping. And awakened to the joy and delight of the Word. Review

4 Nehemiah—Marks of a Servant Leader. Neh 10 The 2 nd -Communication with our Lord (Neh 9). Prayer. A fourth of the day—they read God’s Word. A fourth of the day—they confessed and worshipped the Lord their God. The nation communed with the Lord this is prayer. Review

5 Nehemiah—Marks of a Servant Leader. Neh 10 Commitment before the Lord Neh 10 1. The Family Neh 10:30 The family is the basic unit of society. The church is the family of God. Attacked by the enemy Eph 3:14,15 & 3:10

6 Nehemiah—Marks of a Servant Leader. Neh 10 Commitment before the Lord Neh 10 2. The Sabbath Neh 10:31 A day to worship the Lord Rm 14:19

7 Nehemiah—Marks of a Servant Leader. Neh 10 Commitment before the Lord Neh 10 3. The Temple Neh 10:32,33 Giving (temple tax) towards the house of worship. Shows a priority for having a location for corporate worship and for God’s service. For us the church facility.

8 Nehemiah—Marks of a Servant Leader. Neh 10 Commitment before the Lord Neh 10 4. Additional service Neh 10:34,35 Provision (wood) and offering first fruits. Family implication.

9 Nehemiah—Marks of a Servant Leader. Neh 10 Commitment before the Lord Neh 10 5. Dedication of the First Born Neh 10:36 Our lives belong to God. Because: …we are made in the image of God. …we have been redeemed by Him. …we are in the family and have ties.

10 Nehemiah—Marks of a Servant Leader. Neh 10 Commitment before the Lord Neh 10 6. The Tithe Neh 10:37-39 Matt 6:19-21, 24; 2 Cor 8:5; Mal 3

11 Application Nehemiah—Marks of a Servant Leader. Neh 10 Joshua 24:15(b) …as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.

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