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Emma Skoubas Thursday, March 15, 2012 Period 8 Computer#29.

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2 Emma Skoubas Thursday, March 15, 2012 Period 8 Computer#29

3 I was at my house on Halloween with nothing to do. I had the house to myself, and no friends with me. My name is Kevin and I have always loved Halloween because you get to scare people and play pranks on them, but this year I couldn’t figure out what I wanted to be so I stayed home. I decided to put on some movies and just relax for the rest of the day. I’m pretty sure I watched like five movies and shortly after I fell asleep. I had a dream about the last movie I watched. The movie I was watching was called Doors and it was about a kid at the age of 14 just like me who discovered these random doors in a forest preserve down his block. The doors represented every season. Turns out that the main character Dave chose the Halloween door. He went in the door and ended back home. I really don’t know what happened from there because I woke up from the dream, but the dream I woke up from was reality now……

4 Ever since I woke up from this dream strange things have been going on outside my house. The first strange moment was when my friend Tim came over after he was done trick-or-treating. It was around 10:00 when this first incident happened. Tim went to the kitchen to get a paper bag for his candy when I herd a crash. I went to investigate to see what had happened. All the bowls were on the ground and Tim turned into a werewolf! Ahhhhhh! I screamed in my house as loud as could. Tim or what ever this animal was started to chase after me. I pushed this thing out my door and locked myself in the house and every window. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!

5 After this incident happened I never want to answer a door again! But of course my doorbell rings again. I didn’t know what to do because what if it was a little girl wanting some candy. So I sucked it up and opened the door cautiously. When I opened the door this pink goblin was in front of my door doing some creepy dance. Whoa! Clipart

6 As time was ticking I knew something else was going to come to my door any minute. I just sat there in my house waiting for someone or something to ring my doorbell. Nothing came for the past two hours, but I took no chances to answer that door.

7 –As I was sitting watching more T.V my doorbell rang! I got so tense, but I headed towards the door anyway to see what was outside my door….. Clipart

8 I opened my door and this little kid dressed as a ghost said “TRICK OR TREAT!” So I gave the child some candy and finally fell asleep from one strange night. Clipart

9 Bibliography How to draw funny cartoon, Boy, 3/12/12 boy.html boy.html wp clipart, Ghost, 3/12/12, How to draw funny cartoons, Mom, 3/12/12 mom.html mom.html How to draw funny cartoons, Dad, 3/12/12, m=isch&tbnid=H6Xm6mNo6UhybM:&imgrefurl= 006.jpg&w=250&h=419&ei=5pNfT9T5DMjV0QGZ57nVBw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=82&vpy=87&dur= 765&hovh=291&hovw=173&tx=104&ty=156&sig=103002554182670197545&page=1&tbnh=110&tbn w=66&start=0&ndsp=22&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0 m=isch&tbnid=H6Xm6mNo6UhybM:&imgrefurl= 006.jpg&w=250&h=419&ei=5pNfT9T5DMjV0QGZ57nVBw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=82&vpy=87&dur= 765&hovh=291&hovw=173&tx=104&ty=156&sig=103002554182670197545&page=1&tbnh=110&tbn w=66&start=0&ndsp=22&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0, ghost. Werewolf 3/23/12 Music: Free Play Music, Dark,Mystrious, 4/5/12,

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