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Finding Good Sources on the Internet. If the internet were a city… Databases would be like Police Stations, Government Buildings, Fire Stations, etc.

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Presentation on theme: "Finding Good Sources on the Internet. If the internet were a city… Databases would be like Police Stations, Government Buildings, Fire Stations, etc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Finding Good Sources on the Internet

2 If the internet were a city… Databases would be like Police Stations, Government Buildings, Fire Stations, etc. Random websites are like people’s homes. You never know who is behind the door.

3 What does it mean?.org - - company.sch – school (used outside of US).k12 – most US school – US higher – US government (add country code for outside US).net - – US – Company (if paired with a country code, example “,”)

4 Tips on checking sources It’s NOT enough to look at the URL or the layout. – Find out what pages have links to it – –Type “link:” –No space between the word link, the colon, and the URL.

5 Tips on checking sources Look for the author! –Good authors: Professors within the field, published authors, known organizations that will check for accuracy, organizations created to remember your disaster, sites created by groups of teachers, etc. –If you can’t find an author look for “About this site” or “Frequently asked Questions” for more info.

6 Tips for finding sources In google, do an advanced search addresses –Click on “advanced search” –Put in search criteria –Where is says “Search within Site or Domain” type This bring you to websites sponsored by universities. Watch out for “~” in the address. That means it’s a student page or a personal page. These are NOT scholarly pages.

7 Full Citations –Click on MLA –Click on “More Resources” –Click on the type of source Remember – the type refers to where YOU got it. A newspaper article from a database should be cited as a database. – “Work from a Subscription Service Accessed through a Library - one or more authors” –LIST must be alphabetical

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