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Shooter. Sgt. Jack Coughlin Gunnery Sergeant for the United States Marine Corps. The worlds top ranked Marine Scout/Sniper. Fought in Iraq and Desert.

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Presentation on theme: "Shooter. Sgt. Jack Coughlin Gunnery Sergeant for the United States Marine Corps. The worlds top ranked Marine Scout/Sniper. Fought in Iraq and Desert."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shooter

2 Sgt. Jack Coughlin Gunnery Sergeant for the United States Marine Corps. The worlds top ranked Marine Scout/Sniper. Fought in Iraq and Desert Storm.

3 Protagonist Sgt. Jack Coughlin, the author, is also the protagonist in Shooter. The book is about Jack’s story of being the worlds top-ranked Marine Scout/Sniper. The book follows him through

4 Antagonist The only real antagonists in Shooter are the people Jack is fighting in the Iraq war. Although he has no personal connection with these people what so ever, throughout the book they were trying to stop Jack from ultimately achieving his goal.

5 Favorite Character My favorite character in the book is Lieutenant Ceasy Kuhlman. Throughout the book he keeps his cool on and off the battlefield and helps Jack to do the same when tension gets high.

6 Least favorite character Sgt. “Bob” is my least favorite character in Shooter. Sgt. “Bob” almost single handedly killed the platoon multiple times in battle. Not to mention he’s just clumsy and not fit to be a Sergeant.

7 Plot Summary The plot summary of Shooter isn’t like other books or stories, it’s a narrative of one man’s experiences in the U.S. Marine Corps.

8 Exposition The exposition of the book isn’t like other books. The author introduces only himself. The other characters, settings, and time develop and change throughout the book.

9 Rising action The rising action in shooter, like the exposition, isn’t used in a traditional way. There are small sequences of rising action throughout the book. But, like I said before, there’s no real set plot summary.

10 Climax There are several climaxes in Shooter, where Jack is engaged in battle. Jack usually gets one or two kills for every battle. Most of the time the climax is when he takes the shot, and almost always gets the kill.

11 Falling action The falling action is one of the only normal parts of the plot summary that Shooter portrays. Jack is sent home from the war and headed back to his wife and 2 daughters.

12 Resolution Jack gets back home and sees his family

13 Setting The book portrays events that took place between 1991 and around 2004. This is when desert storm was going on and when the U.S. initially invaded Iraq. The books setting is mostly in a desert environment because for most of the book Jack is in either Kuwait or Iraq. There are long, and very powerful sandstorms that happen frequently.

14 Theme The themes in this book are surprisingly love, unity, and dedication. Jack shows an undying love for his country every time he goes into battle. Without unity there would have been a much higher number of casualties. And it portrays a very high level of dedication from Jack and everyone who worked with him to try and better the nation of Iraq.

15 Rating I would rate this Shooter a 10 out of 10. It is written very well, shows the hardships of being off at war, and isn’t sugar coated to sway support for the U.S. Military.

16 Social Issue Gun Control

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19 Stats. States which have passed concealed-carry laws have seen their murder rate fall by 8.5 percent, rapes by 5 percent, aggravated assaults by 7 percent and robbery by 3 percent. (LaRosa, Freedom Daily)

20 More stats. studies show that Russia's murder rate is four times higher than the U.S. and more than 20 times higher than Norway. This, in a country that practically eradicated private gun ownership over the course of decades of totalitarian rule and police state methods of suppression. Needless to say, very few Russian murders involve guns. (Landborough, The ARCU Blog)

21 Lefty J Gun control stats!!?!?!?? Hell, 100% of gun owners are murders in waiting when me and my crew want to steal shit from them... WTF!?! What's the Prez doin' about this shit, I thought this was going to be taken care of? Get the gunz out of the hands of the people, we're the only people that be needin' guns. And, I like my guns black and killy baby. Piece out! Lefty J (J, Lefty. Criminals for Gun Control)

22 Bibliography LaRosa, Benadict D. Freedom Dailey. November 2002. February 2010. J, Lefty. Criminals for Gun Control. March 2002. February 2010. Langborough, Eric F. The ARCU blog. 8 May 2007. February 2010.

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