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Ebooks! Change access to literacy, change the world.

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Presentation on theme: "Ebooks! Change access to literacy, change the world."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ebooks! Change access to literacy, change the world.

2 Welcome and Icebreaker Take a moment to think of the last ebook you read. If you haven’t read an ebook take a moment to think of why.

3 What are libraries video? gLBUWLQ gLBUWLQ All images courtesy of Creative Commons. –

4 Driving Question How would giving every student a personal library impact literacy?

5 DMS Follett Shelf wbb08094 deckerms ravens

6 Reflect Turn to a partner and discuss how you might be able to use ebooks at your campus.

7 Possibilities of ebooks

8 Evaluate Please complete the online evaluation via Sched.

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