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Nuclear Science & the New Standard Model: Neutrinos & Fundamental Symmetries in the Next Decade Michael Ramsey-Musolf, INPC 2007 Fifty years of PV in nuclear.

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Presentation on theme: "Nuclear Science & the New Standard Model: Neutrinos & Fundamental Symmetries in the Next Decade Michael Ramsey-Musolf, INPC 2007 Fifty years of PV in nuclear."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nuclear Science & the New Standard Model: Neutrinos & Fundamental Symmetries in the Next Decade Michael Ramsey-Musolf, INPC 2007 Fifty years of PV in nuclear physics Nuclear physics studies of s & fundamental symmetries played an essential role in developing & confirming the Standard Model Our role has been broadly recognized within and beyond NP Solar s & the neutrino revolution The next decade presents NP with a unique opportunity to build on this legacy in developing the “new Standard Model” The value of our contribution will be broadly recognized outside the field

2 Fundamental Symmetries & Cosmic History Beyond the SMSM symmetry (broken) Electroweak symmetry breaking: Higgs ?

3 Fundamental Symmetries & Cosmic History Standard Model puzzlesStandard Model successes to explain the microphysics of the present universe It utilizes a simple and elegant symmetry principle SU(3) c x SU(2) L x U(1) Y Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) & light element abundances Weak interactions in stars & solar burning Supernovae & neutron stars

4 Fundamental Symmetries & Cosmic History Beyond the SMSM symmetry (broken) Electroweak symmetry breaking: Higgs ? Puzzles the Standard Model can’t solve 1.Origin of matter 2.Unification & gravity 3.Weak scale stability 4.Neutrinos What are the symmetries (forces) of the early universe beyond those of the SM? Supersymmetry ? New gauge interactions? Extra dimensions ?

5 Opportunity: Unique role for low energy studies in the LHC era Two frontiers in the search for new physics Collider experiments (pp, e + e -, etc) at higher energies (E >> M Z ) High energy physics Particle, nuclear & atomic physics CERN Ultra cold neutronsLarge Hadron Collider Indirect searches at lower energies (E < M Z ) but high precision (and beyond!)

6 Primary Scientific Questions What are the masses of neutrinos and how have they shaped the evolution of the universe?  decay,  13,  decay,… Why is there more matter than antimatter in the present universe? EDM, DM, LFV, ,  13 … What are the unseen forces that disappeared from view as the universe cooled? Weak decays, PVES, g  -2,… Tribble report

7 Major Discovery Potential:  -decay & EDM Precision measurements Neutrino mixing & hierarchy Weak decays, PVES, g  -2 Electroweak probes of QCD PVES, Hadronic PV, N scatt… Specific Opportunities

8 The Origin of Matter & Energy Beyond the SMSM symmetry (broken) Electroweak symmetry breaking: Higgs ? Cosmic Energy Budget ? Baryogenesis: When? CPV? SUSY? Neutrinos? Nuclear Science mission: explain the origin, evolution, & structure of the baryonic component Leptogenesis: discover the ingredients: LN- & CP- violation in neutrinos Weak scale baryogenesis: test experimentally: EDMs

9 Baryogenesis: Ingredients Sakharov Criteria B violation C & CP violation Nonequilibrium dynamics Sakharov, 1967 Present universeEarly universe Weak scalePlanck scale ??

10 Leptogenesis Present universe Planck scale Leptogenesis Early universe Weak scale Key Ingredients Heavy R m  spectrum CP violation L violation Out of equilibrium decays Particle-Antiparticle asym L violation B violation 0  -decay,,  - decay,  13,…

11  -Decay: LNV? Mass Term? Dirac Majorana  -decay Long baseline ? ? Theory Challenge: matrix elements+ mechanism

12  Mechanism & m  signal equivalent to degenerate hierarchy Loop contribution to m of inverted hierarchy scale Impt to know if RPV interactions exist and, if so, what magnitude 111 / ~ 0.06 for m SUSY ~ 1 TeV

13 Lepton Flavor & Number Violation Present universeEarly universe Weak scalePlanck scale MEG: B  !e  ~ 5 x 10 -14 Mu2e: B  !e ~ 5 x 10 -17 ?? R = B!eB!e B!eB!e Also PRIME

14 Lepton Flavor & Number Violation MEG: B  !e  ~ 5 x 10 -14 Mu2e: B  !e ~ 5 x 10 -17 Logarithmic enhancements of R Low scale LFV: R ~ O(1) GUT scale LFV: R ~ O  0  decay Light M exchange ? Heavy particle exchange ? Raidal, Santamaria; Cirigliano, Kurylov, R- M, Vogel k11 / ~ 0.09 for m SUSY ~ 1 TeV !e !e LFV Probes of RPV: k11 / ~ 0.008 for m SUSY ~ 1 TeV !e !e LFV Probes of RPV:

15 Baryogenesis: New Electroweak Physics Weak Scale Baryogenesis B violation C & CP violation Nonequilibrium dynamics Sakharov, 1967 Unbroken phase Broken phase CP Violation Topological transitions 1st order phase transition Is it viable? Can experiment constrain it? How reliably can we compute it? 90’s: Cohen, Kaplan, Nelson Joyce, Prokopec, Turok

16 EDM Probes of New CP Violation f d SM d exp d future CKM If new EWK CP violation is responsible for abundance of matter, will these experiments see an EDM? Also 225 Ra, 129 Xe, d  SNS, ILL, PSI  Yale, Indiana, Amherst  BNL  ANL, Princeton, TRIUMF, KVI…

17 EDMs: New CPV? Electron Improvements of 10 2 to 10 3 Neutron Neutral Atoms Deuteron QCD

18 Baryogenesis: EDMs & Colliders Prospective d e Present d e Prospective d e LHC reach Present d e Prospective d e LHC reach LEP II excl d n similar Theory progress & challenge: refined computations of baryon asymmetry & EDMs ILC reach baryogenesis

19 Precision Probes of New Symmetries Beyond the SMSM symmetry (broken) Electroweak symmetry breaking: Higgs ? New Symmetries 1.Origin of Matter 2.Unification & gravity 3.Weak scale stability 4.Neutrinos ?

20 Precision Neutrino Property Studies Mixing, hierarchy, & CPV Daya Bay T2K Double Chooz Mini Boone Long baseline oscillation studies: CPV? Normal or Inverted ?

21 Precision Neutrino Property Studies Solar Neutrinos KamLANDBorexinoCLEANLENS Ice Cube High energy solar s DM + EWB EM vs.  luminosity: MNSP unitarity? Solar model?

22 Neutrino Mass & Magnetic Moments How large is  ? Experiment:   < (10 -10 - 10 -12 )  B e scattering, astro limits Radiatively-induced m   < 10 -14  B Dirac  e   < 10 -9 -10 -12  B Majorana Bell, Cirigliano, Gorshteyn,R-M, Vogel, Wang, Wise Davidson, Gorbahn, Santamaria Both operators chiral odd

23 Weak decays & new physics Correlations Non (V-A) x (V-A) interactions: m e /E SNS, NIST, LANSCE, RIA? V ud from neutron decay: ILL, LANSCE, SNS, NIST Similarly unique probes of new physics in muon and pion decay SUSY models CKM, (g-2)   M W, M t TRIUMF & PSI   -decay New physics SUSY

24 Correlations in Muon Decay & m Model Independent Analysis constrained by m Model Dependent Analysis First row CKM 2005 Global fit: Gagliardi et al. Prezeau, Kurylov 05 Erwin, Kile, Peng, R-M 06 m MPs Also  -decay, Higgs production Constraints on non-SM Higgs production at ILC: m,  and  decay corr

25 Weak Mixing in the Standard Model Scale-dependence of Weak Mixing JLab Future SLAC Moller Parity-violating electron scattering Z 0 pole tension

26 Probing SUSY with PV Electron Scattering  Q W P, SUSY / Q W P, SM RPV: No SUSY DM Majorana s SUSY Loops  Q W e, SUSY / Q W e, SM g  -2  12 GeV  6 GeV E158 Q-Weak (ep)Moller (ee)

27 Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment    QED Z Weak Had LbL Had VP  SUSY Loops SM LoopsFuture goal ~ 3.4  !

28 Uncovering the New Standard Model What is the New Standard Model ? Neutrino Mass ? Mixing ? Sterile ’s ? Weak Scale CP- Violation ? Lepton Number Violation ? New Forces? Baryon asymmetry? Supersymmetry ? Extra Dimensions ?  Cuore Majorana Moon GERDA… EDM: nEDM atomic dEDM Precision: Muon g-2 PVES  decay Neutrinos:  decay Reactor ’s  mag mom Critical role for the international NP community !

29 Back Matter

30 Neutrino Mass & Magnetic Moments Majorana vs Dirac  ? Dirac: Majorana: Flavor Sym Flavor Antisym Effective theory for E < 

31 Neutrino Mass & Magnetic Moments Majorana vs Dirac  ? Dirac: Majorana: 7D mixing Anom Dim 5D matching Antisym in Yukawas Naturalness bounds on C W,B

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