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Misconceptions about population Deniers Reassurers Diverters.

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Presentation on theme: "Misconceptions about population Deniers Reassurers Diverters."— Presentation transcript:

1 Misconceptions about population Deniers Reassurers Diverters

2 Film features long section on Nigeria and its problems but NO mention that it is Africa’s most populous country nor that her population is one of world’s fastest growing

3 Misconceptions about population “You’re just a Neo-Malthusian!”

4 Misconceptions about population “Human history is a great success story, especially recent decades” Richard Wilson



7 “Age of the Anthropocene”: World historical turning point “Progress” now delivering “regress”

8 We must plan for a world as it might well be not assume ideal scenarios





13 Not just climate change – “peak everything”: ‘Peak’ fossil fuels… Depleting mineral resources… Soil erosion… Soil compaction… Loss of soil nutrients… Salinisation… Deforestation… Draining of wetlands … Paving over open land… Subsidence… Eutrophication… Aquifer drainage… ‘Dry’ rivers… Water pollution… Acidification… Toxic & Radioactive contamination… Overflowing landfills… Exhausted fisheries …………………………………………… and ‘Biodevastation’ Note: synergies between many of them, making each worse

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