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Word Basics Lesson 1. Word Processing  Use of computer software to enter and edit text  Letters  Reports  Newsletters  Web pages.

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Presentation on theme: "Word Basics Lesson 1. Word Processing  Use of computer software to enter and edit text  Letters  Reports  Newsletters  Web pages."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word Basics Lesson 1

2 Word Processing  Use of computer software to enter and edit text  Letters  Reports  Newsletters  Web pages

3 Opening Screen  Circle—common tasks  Home—alignment, type styles  Insert—add picture, art, etc.  Tabs open to toolbars  Insertion point—typing starts  View buttons—normal,web, print, outline, reading  Status bars—info like page #

4 Word Wrap  Text automatically moves to next line when you reach the margin.  Enter once to start a paragraph.  Enter twice to get a blank line.

5 Move Insertion Point  Right arrowright one character  Left arrowleft one character  Down arrowto next line  Up arrowto previous line  Endto end of line  Hometo beginning of line  Page downto next page  Page upto previous page

6 Move Insertion Point  Ctrl+right arrowto next word  Ctrl+left arrowto previous word  Ctrl+Endto end of document  Ctrl+Hometo beginning of  document

7 Creating Folders  Go to File…Save As  Click the Create New Folder icon  Name the folder  You can rename the folder by right-clicking it and choosing rename.

8 Zoom View  To magnify or reduce your document on the screen  The higher the percentage, the larger the font

9 Print Preview  Shows how document will look printed  Circle…Print…Print Preview

10 Page Orientation  Portrait  Longer than wide  Landscape  Wider than long  Page Layout…Page Setup  Page Layout…Orientation

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