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Hype Cycle

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1 Hype Cycle

2 Gartner 1 Gartner uses hype cycles and Magic Quadrants for visualization of its market analysis results.

3 Hype cycle 1 The Hype Cycle is a branded graphical tool developed and used by IT research and advisory firm Gartner for representing the maturity, adoption and social application of specific technologies.

4 Hype cycle - Five phases 1 The term "Hype Cycle" and each of the associated phases are now used more broadly in the marketing of new technologies.

5 Hype cycle - Criticisms 1 There have been numerous criticisms of the hype cycle, prominent among which are that it is not a cycle, that the outcome does not depend on the nature of the technology itself, that it is not scientific in nature, and that it does not reflect changes over time in the speed at which technology develops

6 Technology management 1 The third significant contribution comes from Gartner - the research service, it is the hype cycle, this suggests that our modern approach to marketing technology results in the technology being over hyped in the early stages of growth. Taken together, these fundamental concepts provide a foundation for formalizing the approach to managing technology.

7 Model-driven architecture - MDA concerns 1 However during this period the MDA approach has not gained mainstream industry acceptance; with the Gartner Group still identifying MDA as an "on the rise" technology in its 2006 "Hype Cycle", and Forrester Research declaring MDA to be "D.O.A." in 2006

8 AI Winter 1 The field has experienced several cycles of Hype cycle|hype, followed by disappointment and criticism, followed by funding cuts, followed by renewed interest years or decades later

9 AI Winter 1 Hype cycles are common in many emerging technologies, such as the railway mania or the dot-com bubble

10 AI Winter - Hype 1 The hype cycle concept for new technology looks at perception of technology in more detail

11 .Net (programming language) - Security 1 as reported in Hype Cycle for Cyberthreats, 2006, September 2006, Neil MacDonald; Amrit Williams, et al

12 Cloud computing - The Future 1 According to Gartner's Hype cycle, Cloud computing has reached a maturity that leads it into a productive phase

13 MUVE - Multi-User Virtual Learning Environments 1 November 2, 2012 By early 2013, serious questions emerged about whether MOOCs were simply part of a hype cycle and indeed following that hype whether academia was thus MOOC'd out.

14 Identity 2.0 1 A year later, Gartner published an updated perspective in their 2007 Hype Cycle Report on IAM Technologies, that positions user- centric, Identity 2.0 technologies such as OpenID, CardSpace and Higgins as technology triggers that are on the rise, though two to five years away from mainstream adoption. They recommend that consumer facing organizations monitor the evolution of these Personal Identity Frameworks.

15 Cloud Software - The future 1 According to Gartner's Hype cycle, cloud computing has reached a maturity that leads it into a productive phase

16 For More Information, Visit: m/the-hype-cycle-toolkit.html m/the-hype-cycle-toolkit.html The Art of Service

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