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Published byAdela Hunter Modified over 9 years ago
Recent CP violation measurements at CERN-NA48 experiment For the NA48 and NA48/2 collaborations: Cagliari, Cambridge, CERN, Chicago, Dubna, Edinburgh, Ferrara, Firenze, Mainz, Northwestern, Orsay, Perugia, Pisa, Saclay, Siegen, Torino, Vienna, Warsaw Cristina Biino INFN, Torino ICHEP 2008 Philadelphia, Jul.29-Aug.5, 2008
ICHEP08Cristina Biino 2 A brief history of NA48 2007 K e2 /K 2 run NA62 NA48 (1997-2001) : Direct CP-Violation in neutral K Re(ε’/ε) = (14.7 ± 2.2)·10 -4 NA48/1 (2002) : Rare K S decays and hyperons NA48/2 (2003-2004) : Direct CP-Violation in charged K NA62 (2007-2008) and P326 (2008…): R (K e2 /K 2 ), and proposal K + + KTeV (2008) 19.2 ± 2.1 10 -4
ICHEP08Cristina Biino 3 NA48 detector 1 m Decay products From K decays Magnetic spectrometer 4 high-resolution DCHs Scintillator hodoscope 150 ps time resolution - fast trigger LKr electromagnetic calorimeter Quasi-homogeneous, high granularity, excellent e/ discrimination Hadron calorimeter, veto counters, vetos p /p = (1.0 0.044 p)% (p in GeV/c) E /E = (3.2/√E 9.0/E 0.42)% (E in GeV/)
ICHEP08Cristina Biino 4 CP violation in K 0 decays: Measurement of | | with K L → decays
ICHEP08Cristina Biino 5 The CP violation parameter | | = + ’ = A(K L + – ) A(K S + – ) is a fundamental observable of CP violation Indirect CPVDirect CPV Experimental method: Measure precisely the ratio R = BR(K L + – ) / BR(K L e ). Extract | | computed as: = using the best single K S and K L lifetimes measurements and normalisation BR(K L e ) and BR(K S + – ) from KLOE, KTeV and NA48. BR(K L + – ) BR(K S + – ) KSKS KLKL K L ~ K 2 + K 1 CP = +1 CP = 1 CP( + – ) = + 1 K S ~ K 1 + K 2
ICHEP08Cristina Biino 6 | |: event selection K L → CP-violating process need to suppress dominant background channels (K e3, K 3, K 3 ) by 4-5 orders of magnitude small background achieved: 0.5% data well described by MC about 47k events selected selection based on electron identification in the LKr calorimeter ( E/p ≈ 1) about 5 x 10 6 K e3 events selected with 0.5% background K L e Dedicated 2-day run with a pure, low intensity K L beam: ~80 x 10 6 2-tracks events recorded.
ICHEP08Cristina Biino 7 Results on | | Uncertainty sourceCorrectionUncertainty Particle ID+1.34%0.05% K 2 background–0.49%0.03% Muon ID+0.48%0.18% Trigger–1.29%0.11% Energy spectrum0.20% Radiative corrections 0.10% MC statistics0.10% Total+0.04%0.33% Experimental value: R = BR(K L + – ) / BR(K L e ) = (4.835 0.022 stat. 0.016 syst. ) 10 –3 BR(K L + – )=(1.941 0.019) 10 –3 Published in Phys. Lett. B645 (2007) 26 Radiative corrections: - + – Inner Bremsstrahlung (IB) component included - direct emission (DE) component subtracted (CP conserving) Corrections and systematics on R CP violation parameter: = (2.223 0.012) 10 –3 BR(K L + – ) BR(K S + – ) | +- | = KLKL KSKS
ICHEP08Cristina Biino | |: comparison of results The NA48 result is in very good agreement with KTeV and KLOE experiments These new measurements contradict the PDG’ 04 value ! BR(K L + – ) / BR(K L e ) [10 –3 ] | +– | [10 –3 ]
ICHEP08Cristina Biino 9 Search for direct CP violation: Measurement of the A g and A g 0 asymmetries in K and K 0 0 decays
ICHEP08Cristina Biino 10 CP Violation in K ± 3 decays |M(u,v)| 2 1 + gu + hu 2 + kv 2 + … Dalitz plot for K ± 3 Only direct CP violation is involved in charged kaon decays! Matrix element: Asymmetry parameter: K ± : g = - 0.21134 0.00017 K ± : g = 0.626 0.007 If A g 0 Direct CP Violation 2even 1even 3odd K±K± SM predictions: |A g | : 10 - 5 - 10 - 6 If A g ~ 10 -4 New Physics ! u = 2m K (m K /3-E 3 * )/m 2 v = 2m K (E 1 * -E 2 * )/m 2 |h|, |k| << |g| If CP invariance holds: g K + = g K -
ICHEP08Cristina Biino 11 The NA48/2 approach NA48/2 method: - Use of intense simultaneous K + and K - beams, superimposed in space, with narrow P K spectra - Equalization of averaged K + and K - acceptances by frequent alternations of magnet polarities (magnetic spectrometer, K beam lines) - Measurement of asymmetry from slopes of normalized u-distribution ratios (no MC acceptance correction required! ) : R(u) = N + (u) / N - (u) n ( 1+ g u) A g = g / 2g Induced instrumental asymmetry can only be due to charge-asymmetric and u- dependent effects that vary with time (-70 53) 10 -4 BNL AGS (1970) A g = ( 22 40) 10 -4 HyperCP (2000)prelim. { (19 125) 10 -4 CERN PS (1975) A g 0 = (2 19) 10 -4 Protvino IHEP(2005) { NA48/2 main goal: Measure linear slope (g) asymmetries for K and K decays with accuracies A g 2.2 10 -4 and A g 0 3.5 10 -4 respectively. significant improvement w.r.t. present measurements Statistics required >2 10 9 events in “charged” mode and >10 8 in “neutral” mode
Selection of K events U |V| even pion in beam pipe 2.00x10 9 K + events 1.11x10 9 K – events K + /K – ≈ 1.8 odd pion in beam pipe Invariant mass Based only on Hodoscope and Magnetic Spectrometer Negligible background m = 1.7 MeV/c 2 Events 3-tracks vertex in decay volume Acceptance limited mostly by beam pipe through DCHs K±K±
ICHEP08Cristina Biino 13 Acceptance equalization for K+ and K- Fit of R(u) is sensitive to the time variation of asymmetries in experimental conditions with characteristic time smaller than corresponding field alternation periods (beam week, detector day (2003), 3 hours(2004 ) data taken in 9 SUPER-SAMPLES of ~2 weeks each Cancellation of systematic biases: - Detector L-R asymmetries ( K + Salève / K - Salève and K + Jura / K - Jura ) - Beam line biases ( K + beam Up / K - beam Up and K + beam Down / K - beam Down) - Global time-variable biases (K + and K - simultaneously recorded) Z XY Achromats: K + Up Achromats: K + Down B+ B-B-B-B- Detector Left-Right asymmetry cancellation in the four K + /K ratios: Jura Jura(Left) Salève(Right) Quadruple ratio: R(u) = R US (u)·R UJ (u)·R DS (u)·R DJ (u) ~ n· (1 + 4 Δg u) ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
ICHEP08Cristina Biino 14 K ± → ± : A g final result Δg = (0.6 ± 0.7 stat. ± 0.4 stat. (trig.) ± 0.5 syst. ) 10 -4 K + /K - Result compatible with SM predictions No evidence for New Physics Published in Eur. Phys. J. C 52, 875 (2007) ΔgΔg 9 super-samples give consistent results Detector and beam line asymmetry effects at 10 -4 level, reproduced by MC A g = (-1.5 ± 2.1) 10 -4 A factor ~ 20 better precision than previous experiments Systematic effects on Δg Δg (10 -4 ) Spectrometer alignment± 0.1 Spectrometer magnetic field ± 0.3 Beam geometry and stray magnetic fields ± 0.2 Resolution and fitting± 0.2 Accidental activity (pile-up) ± 0.2 Total systematics± 0.5 L1 trigger efficiency± 0.3 L2 trigger efficiency -0.1 ± 0.3 Time stability of result:
ICHEP08Cristina Biino 15 Selection of K 0 0 events Consider two 0 → decays which define K ± decay vertex position - no geometrical information from the ± track to avoid charge-asymmetric biases - kaon momentum and invariant 3 cuts Computation of u variable from the 0 0 invariant mass only: charge-symmetric procedure Based on Charged Spectrometer and LKr Electromagnetic Calorimeter m = 0.9 MeV/c 2 |v| Odd pion in beam pipe and wrong photon pairings M( 0 ) 2 E i E k (D ik ) 2 /(Z ik ) 2 9.13 10 7 events K±K± u Events M(3 ) [GeV/c 2 ]
ICHEP08Cristina Biino 16 K ± → ± 0 0 : A g 0 final result Statistical precision in A g 0 similar to K ± → ± mode despite 34 times less events: |g 0 / g ± | ~ 3. A g 0 = (1.8 ± 1.8) x 10 -4 Systematic effects on Δg Δg (10 -4 ) Overlap of LKr showers± 0.5 L1 HOD trigger efficiency± 0.1 L1 LKr trigger efficiency± 0.1 L2 trigger efficiency± 0.3 Stray magnetic fields± 0.1 Accidental activity(pile-up)± 0.2 Total± 0.6 Final result consistent with SM predictions: Published in Eur. Phys. J. C 52, 875 (2007) Δg = (2.2 ± 2.1 stat. ± 0.6 syst. ) 10 -4 Time stability of result: K + /K - ΔgΔg 7 super-samples give consistent results Detector and beam line asymmetry effects at 10 -4 level,reproduced by MC
ICHEP08Cristina Biino 17 |V us | Measurement from K ± l3
ICHEP08Cristina Biino 18 |V us | Measurement from K ± l3 K ± collected during a special low intensity minimum bias run Measurement of leptonic and semileptonic decays. Method of Measurement: Normalize Ke3 and K 3 to K2 very similar topologies and selection criteria Select one track and two photons, consistent with a 0, from a common decay vertex Distinction of Kl3 and K2 mainly through kinematics Particle identification for electrons ( ~ 98.6%), pions ( ~ 99.5%) and muons ( ~ 99.8%)
ICHEP08Cristina Biino 19 |V us | Measurement from K ± l3 Channel Acc x P-Id K + (K - ) Ke3: 56k (31k) Kμ3: 49k (28k) π ± π 0 462k (257k) Acceptance x Particle ID K + (K - ) 6.98 ± 0.01 % (6.94 ± 0.01)% 9.27 ± 0.01 % (9.25 ± 0.01)% 14.18 ± 0.01 % (14.12 ± 0.01)% Background < 0.1% ~ 0.2% ~ 0.3%
ICHEP08Cristina Biino 20 |V us | Measurement from K ± l3 R Ke3/K2 = 0.2470 0.0009 stat 0.0004 sys R K 3/K2 = 0.1636 0.0006 stat 0.0003 sys Quadratic expansion for f + (t) ( ’ + = 0.02485(163), ” + = 0.00192(62)) and linear expansion for f 0 (t) ( 0 = 0.00196(34) from PDG2006 Form factor variations within their errors and differences to pole model parametrization taken as systematic uncertainties Results: Sistematics: Ke3/K2 : Mainly Ke3, K2 acceptance, trigger efficiency K 3/K2 : Mainly K 3 form factors and Ke3, K2 acceptance Accuracy 0.4% Published in Eur. Phys. J. C 50, 329 (2007) & erratum Form factors : Using new KLOE measurement of BR(K 2 ( ) ) = 0.2065(5)(8) BR(K ± e3 ) = 0.05104 0.00019 stat 0.00008 sys BR(K ± 3 ) = 0.03380 0.00013 stat 0.00006 sys
ICHEP08Cristina Biino 21 |V us | Measurement from K ± l3 K e3 : |V us | f + (0) = 0.21794(43) exp (52) norm, (61) ext = 0.2179(9) K 3 : |V us | f + (0) = 0.21818(46) exp (52) norm, (66) ext = 0.2182(10) Use K = 12.370(19) ns (average PDG2006 & Kloe 2008 ),...... Very good agreement between Ke3 and K 3 Test of lepton universality: Ratio(K 3 /K e3 ) = 0.663 0.003 stat 0.001 sys Most precise measurement so far and consistent with lepton universality (SM prediction = 0.661(3)) Combination of K e3 and K 3 (taking into account correlation) : | V us | f + (0) = 0.2180 0.0008 and finally using f + (0) = 0.964 0.005 ( RBC-UKQCD’07 ) : | V us | = 0.2261 0.0014 Determination of |Vus |:
ICHEP08Cristina Biino 22 Spare slides
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