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Smoke Impact Analysis: Canadian Smoke Event, June 27, 2006 Erin Robinson CE 513, Final Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Smoke Impact Analysis: Canadian Smoke Event, June 27, 2006 Erin Robinson CE 513, Final Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Smoke Impact Analysis: Canadian Smoke Event, June 27, 2006 Erin Robinson CE 513, Final Presentation

2 Fire Pixel Layer Fire Pixels show the location of fires Importing Fire Pixels into ArcGIS –Export from DataFed as a CSV Table –Reformat as Excel table –Connect table through ODBC/OLE DB connection in ArcCatalog –Display XY in ArcMap

3 Aerosol Extinction Coefficient Layer Provided by Surf Met Network Measures the amount of haze Imported into ArcGIS the same way as the fire pixels –Displayed equal interval quantities

4 Spatial Join: AE Coef. And County Shape file In DataFed AE Coef. is a grid dataset In ArcMap it is a point dataset Initial export of the grid was too coarse, changed the resolution Used spatial join to merge AE Coef. Point layer to county

5 High Average AE Coeff. Shows the area that has high AE Coeff. or surface haze. Created by using Select Attribute

6 GOCART Organic Carbon Model The model is used to identify composition of haze. It was imported into ArcMap and joined spatially to the AE Coeff./County layer

7 High Organic Carbon Values High model values indicate the presence of smoke

8 Smoke Identification The presence of both haze and high forecasted organic carbon indicate smoke in the area. This figure indicates that the model is only an estimate of where the smoke could be

9 Enlarged Smoke Impact Region Restated the query to include either high AE Coeff. or high organic carbon Better encompasses the smoke impacted region.

10 County Population Population for every county Joined county population to the Expanded Smoke Impact Region

11 Interpretation Using the AE Coeff. and OC Model with the satellite for verification the impacted region was identified.

12 Smoke impact is determined by weighting the population with the concentration.

13 Overall Smoke Impact

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