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Knowledge Houses with Statistical Data. The first knowledge house was opened in Zeytinburnu and has been giving service for 4 years.

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Presentation on theme: "Knowledge Houses with Statistical Data. The first knowledge house was opened in Zeytinburnu and has been giving service for 4 years."— Presentation transcript:

1 Knowledge Houses with Statistical Data

2 The first knowledge house was opened in Zeytinburnu and has been giving service for 4 years.

3 Now, there are 5 knowledge houses in Zeytinburnu. Now, there are 5 knowledge houses in Zeytinburnu.

4 Seyitnizam and Merkezefendi Knowledge houses are giving services with 3 different sections; Administration Administration Library Library Internet Access Internet Access

5 In the recent 3 Knowledge Houses that were opened in Sümer, Beş Telsiz and Yeşiltepe; there are 5 different sections: In the recent 3 Knowledge Houses that were opened in Sümer, Beş Telsiz and Yeşiltepe; there are 5 different sections: Library Library Internet Access for primary schools Internet Access for primary schools Internet Access for high school students and adults Internet Access for high school students and adults Multi-purpose lounge Multi-purpose lounge Administration Administration

6 There are 25 personals working in all knowledge houses in Zeytinburnu: 1 Coordinator, 1 Coordinator, 5 Administrators, 5 Administrators, 14 Teachers and 14 Teachers and 5 Cleaning Staff 5 Cleaning Staff

7 The number of members are 21.668The 2.314 of the members are adults, 438of the members are university students, 4.166 of the members are high school students, 14.679 are primary shool students and 71 of the members are taking various courses.

8 According to the datas received in recent month; the avarage registration numbers to knowledge house are; According to the datas received in recent month; the avarage registration numbers to knowledge house are; 56 person in a day, 56 person in a day, 340 person in a week, 340 person in a week, 1360 person in a month. 1360 person in a month.

9 In a day, averagely 1600 members ; in a week; 9600 members and in a month ; 38.400 members are benefiting from the knowledge houses.. In a day, averagely 1600 members ; in a week; 9600 members and in a month ; 38.400 members are benefiting from the knowledge houses..

10 The total number of the books in knowledge houses are 18.530

11 In knowledge houses; in avarage; 286 books in a day; 1.716 books in a week and 6.864 books in a month are being lent. Since the first knowlegde house was opened; 176.706 books were lent in all. In knowledge houses; in avarage; 286 books in a day; 1.716 books in a week and 6.864 books in a month are being lent. Since the first knowlegde house was opened; 176.706 books were lent in all.

12 In total, 131 computers are subservient to the members.

13 In a day 1.080, in a week 6.480, in a month 25.920 members are benefiting from the computer sections..

14 In knowledge houses, there are 7 projection screen system and 1 LCD TV.

15 In every week, approximately 730 members are attending to film or documentary film demonstrations.

16 The operations of the knowledge houses can be summed under two main topics:

17 1.) Appealing to common; services as computer and internet access, benefiting from the libraries and lending books.

18 2.) Clubs and group activities according to members’ needs and interests; trips, film demonstrations, reading competitions, various campaigns and this kind of social& cultural activities.

19 The clubs in knowledge houses are; - Computer Club - Biolgy and Nature Club - Trip/ Tour Club - English Club - Reading Volunteers Club - Origami Courses - Chess Club - Oral Reading Club - Cinema Club - Friends of Poetry Club

20 In addition to these clubs there are also daily, weekly and monthly activites as question of the day; poem of the week, student of the month or question of the month. In addition to these clubs there are also daily, weekly and monthly activites as question of the day; poem of the week, student of the month or question of the month.

21 The number of beneficiaries from the knowledge houses are continuously increasing. Also our social and cultural activities will be carried on more professionally in following days… The number of beneficiaries from the knowledge houses are continuously increasing. Also our social and cultural activities will be carried on more professionally in following days…

22 Zeytinburnu Municipality Culture and Social Affairs Directorate (0212) 413 11 66 Merkezefendi Knowledge Sümer Knowledge House House (0212) 665 65 22 (0212) 413 11 78 Seyitnizam Knowledge Beştelsiz Knowledge House House (0212) 679 64 27 (0212) 413 11 77 Yeşiltepe Knowledge House (0212) 679 61 36

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