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Chapter 1 Section 5 Outline Geopolitical Framework: Fragmentation & Unity.

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1 Chapter 1 Section 5 Outline Geopolitical Framework: Fragmentation & Unity

2 Geopolitics refers to the close link between geography & political activity… “…the interaction between power, territory & space at all scales from the local to the global.”

3 Global Terrorism…  Global terrorism is not well defined by one particular war between established political states; instead it is now more connected by political activity, cultural identity & economic links- and that is due to globalization.  The networks that exist because of globalization are used by global terrorists too; allowing rebel groups (“insurgents”) easy access to weapons & the $ to buy them.  Asymetrical warfare is warfare that is not balanced (ex. America’s superpower military technology vs. Iraq’s lower level technology & guerilla tactics. Don’t assume an easy win!) Iraqui rebels held off a global coalition force for years…much to many people’s surprise.

4 Nation States…  Defined as a relatively homogeneous cultural group with its own fully independent political territory.  There are exceptions to this definition, since some large cultural groups consider themselves nations lacking a recognized, self-governing territory (ex. Kurds, Palestinians);  Also, some nation states have groups within who want autonomy.  Most of today’s countries would not fit well into the above definition!

5 Centrifugal & Centripetal forces…  Cultural & Political forces that weaken or divide an existing state are centrifugal forces. EXAMPLE? Unite Kenya Unite Kenya  Forces that promote political unity & reinforce state structure are centripetal forces. EX?  divided america divided america

6 Boundaries & Frontiers…  Boundaries exist to define the borders of nation states, but agreement upon boundaries in many parts of the world is rare (“border wars”).  There are different forms of boundaries… Ethnographic boundaries follow cultural traits like language & religion. Geographic boundaries are drawn without regard for physical or cultural features. These are quick & easy lat/long boundaries like the ones used by many colonial powers during the Age of Imperialism Map of new South Sudan

7 Colonialism & Decolonialism…  Colonialism is the formal establishment of rule over a foreign population; colonies have no independent standing in the world community. Sometimes this happened as part of Imperialism, but not always.  Decolonialization is the process of a colony’s regaining control (achieving independence) & establishing a separate, independent gov’t. This process may take many years & is a very dangerous time in the life of a new nation. Many major decisions must be made regarding a new political direction & economic growth. Following a war, social welfare may need to be restored & insurgents may still be a threat. Egypt's new governmentEgypt's new government

8 International & Supranational Organizations…  International Orgs. Link 2 or more states militarily, economically, politically or environmentally. Examples are the UN, OPEC, NATO & NAFTA  Supranational orgs. are linked by a common goal too, however, individual state power (sovereignty) may be reduced to achieve the organization’s goals. Best example of this is the European Union, or EU, which was formed in 1993. Member nations are expected to put individual best interests aside for the good of the whole.

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