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Breakaway Session A Call to Action On the Declaration of the First Conference of African Ministers Responsible for Civil Registration - August 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Breakaway Session A Call to Action On the Declaration of the First Conference of African Ministers Responsible for Civil Registration - August 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Breakaway Session A Call to Action On the Declaration of the First Conference of African Ministers Responsible for Civil Registration - August 2010

2 A Call to Action Overview Purpose “To concretize the policy statements of the conference declaration into actionable activities that would orient key players and partners in discharging their roles and responsibilities”

3 A Call to Action Overview Expectations “Facilitate the reform and improvement regional agenda of civil registration and vital statistics systems in member States”

4 A Call to Action Overview Process Reviewed internally Feedbacks obtained from partners involved in the organization of the ministerial conference – (through video conference) Expected to be finalized by country experts and partners in this meeting

5 Arrangement of breakaway session  Follow the reporting format  Group 1 – reports on declaration point 9 to 11  Group 2 – reports on declaration point 1 to 8.3  Group arrangement will not change

6 Reporting Template Declaration Point Proposed Key Action points Proposed ActivitiesComments, suggestions and amendments from breakaway Remar k On proposed key action points On proposed key activities On proposed key responsib le bodies and time frame Declaration Point 1 (for the content refer main document) Proper documentatio n of the event (for description refer main document) Refer main document – key activities in three categories proposed: -Pre-conference activities (7 activities) -Conference deliberation (4 activities) -Conference proceeding (3 activities)

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