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To Next Slide Social Studies Chapter 2 The First Americans 20 Questions! T. Sams Piedmont Elementary.

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1 To Next Slide Social Studies Chapter 2 The First Americans 20 Questions! T. Sams Piedmont Elementary

2 To Next Slide What is a group of families that are related to each other called? clan

3 To Next Slide The Northwest Indians carved a post showing their family history. This was called a________. totem pole

4 To Next Slide Who chose the men that served on the Iroquois Council? the women

5 To Next Slide The Cherokee formed a_________, which is a group of governments that cooperate with each other. confederation

6 To Next Slide Mayan cities are called city-states because_____. each city has its own ruler and government

7 To Next Slide What did the Indians of the Great Plains depend on for food and other things? buffalo

8 To Next Slide The Aztec’s empire included _________. 200,000 square miles in Middle America

9 To Next Slide The Hopi lived in an adobe building with rooms on top of and next to one another called a _________. pueblo

10 To Next Slide What do you call the practice of holding people against their will and treating them as property? slavery

11 To Next Slide Why did the Chinooks of the NW hold potlatches? to share their wealth

12 To Next Slide What is another word for exchanging goods, or trade? barter

13 To Next Slide A cone-shaped house made from a log frame and covered with mud or grass used by the Navajo was called a________. hogan

14 To Next Slide What was an important source of food for Native Americans on the NW coast? whales

15 To Next Slide What did the Iroquois decide to do after many years of war? form the Iroquois League and agreed to live in peace

16 To Next Slide A cone-shaped house made of poles and covered with buffalo skins is a _________. tepee

17 To Next Slide What two things did the Navajos learn from the Hopis? weaving and farming

18 To Next Slide The Iroquois home was made of bark with large doors at each end that housed several families called a________. longhouse

19 To Next Slide Many Native Americans learned new ideas by_____. trading with other people

20 To Next Slide The Chinook built a house partly over a hole dug in the ground called a ____________. Pit house

21 To Next Slide North America became a land of great ________, or many differences, among its people. diversity

22 To Next Slide North America became a land of great ________, or many differences, among its people. diversity

23 To Next Slide Many native peoples often used _______, or stories handed down over time, to explain the past. legends

24 To Next Slide That’s All! Keep Sharp Minds!

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