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Virtual Consulting and The Virtual Consulting Firm ™ “ Real People Providing Real Solutions in a Virtual World™”

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Presentation on theme: "Virtual Consulting and The Virtual Consulting Firm ™ “ Real People Providing Real Solutions in a Virtual World™”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Virtual Consulting and The Virtual Consulting Firm ™ “ Real People Providing Real Solutions in a Virtual World™”

2 What is the actual definition of a "Virtual Consultant"?  --------------------- “con·sul·tant ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kn-sltnt) n. One who gives expert or professional advice. One who consults another.... --------------------- And... --------------------- vir·tu·al ( P ) Pronunciation Key (vûrch-l)... Computer Science. Created, simulated, or carried on by means of a computer or computer network: virtual conversations in a chatroom. --------------------- I guess a "Virtual Consultant" is anyone who gives "advice" by means of computer and/or computer network! :) --------------------- Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. From --------------------- ”

3 Advantages of Virtual Consulting for Clients Access to a much broader resource and skills pool then they could typically acquire and/or afford to hire and retain Just in time (JIT) delivery of services Completely Flexible “work force” No Recruiting / Hiring costs No travel and living costs for Consultants No facilities costs for Consultants No project delays due to lead times inherent in the recruiting -> productive employee life cycle

4 Advantages of Virtual Consulting for Virtual Consultants (VCs)  Our VCs work from wherever they prefer all over the world!  Our VCs work pretty much whenever they prefer!  Our VCs work pretty much however they wish!  They get to do more of what they want to do and that they do best!  Flexibility for better Work/Life Balance  No commutes  No dress codes ;)  Opportunities to travel and still work  Just as long as all the work gets done and to our High Quality Standards

5 The Virtual Consulting Firm

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