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PERIODIC TABLE BINGO.  Arranged the periodic table by atomic masses, lightest to heaviest.

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Presentation on theme: "PERIODIC TABLE BINGO.  Arranged the periodic table by atomic masses, lightest to heaviest."— Presentation transcript:


2  Arranged the periodic table by atomic masses, lightest to heaviest.

3  Most reactive group of elements (metals).

4 Group that contains the element that is used in heat shields on the space shuttle.

5  Most stable group of elements.

6  Family of elements that have 7 valence electrons. The “salt-makers”

7  One of only 2 elements found as a liquid at room temperature.

8  Describes the basic structure of the atom as protons, neutrons and electrons in specific arrangements.

9  Element in Group 17 that is found as a gas at room temperature.

10  A horizontal row on the periodic table.

11  A vertical column on the periodic table.

12  The element with 1 proton that is the exception to many rules associated with the periodic table.

13  2 nd most abundant element in the universe, but rare on Earth.

14  Found on the left side of the periodic table. Usually lustrous with high melting and boiling points.

15 FREE SPACE IN CENTER  Fill in the answer to:  Scientist who discovered the nucleus.

16  Found on the right side of the periodic table. Insulators. Can form covalent bonds.

17  Have characteristics of both metals and non-metals. On the staircase (except Aluminum)

18  Makes up 21% of the Earth’s atmosphere.

19  Electrons in the outer-most energy level of an atom. Available for bonding.

20  Group that has 6 valence electrons.

21  Wants to give up 3 electrons to become stable.

22  Number of elements found in nature. Not man-made.

23  Number of natural elements that are found ALONE (pure) in nature.

24  Worked with Rutherford on the Gold Foil Experiment. Made the current Periodic Table. Died in WW I.

25  Bond in which electrons are gained or lost forming ions.

26  Bond in which electrons are shared.


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