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Library Connections A dynamic multi-year program for revitalizing inner-city elementary school libraries in the Archdiocese of New York. Conceived of.

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2 Library Connections A dynamic multi-year program for revitalizing inner-city elementary school libraries in the Archdiocese of New York. Conceived of by the Altman Foundation, Library Connections began with 3 schools in February 2000.

3 The Library Connections Mission  Develop exemplary school library programs and collections  Integrate library programs with curriculum, classroom activities, and children’s learning  Support active planning and collaboration among library, computer, and classroom teachers and administrative leaders in each participating school  Increase use of library programs and collections by students and teachers

4 Goals and Objectives Intra School Collaboration Information Literacy Professional Development Language Arts Appreciation Library Resources Library Automation Online Communication Library Facilities Inter School Collaboration

5 What Schools Receive  Carefully selected print and electronic resources. (proportional to school enrollment.)  Professional development for library teachers, classroom teachers, and principals in creating a successful library program  Computer hardware  Furniture/facilities planning, and funding  Automated Library Catalog  Opportunity for scholarships for a graduate level Library Science Program at St. John’s University

6 Library Connections Staffing Superintendent of Schools Office Jill Kafka Patrons Program Director Melinda Greenblatt Program Director Kathy Riecks Administrative Director Library Mentor School 4 School 2 School 3 School 1 Library Mentor School 4 School 2 School 3 School 1 Library Mentor School 4 School 2 School 3 School 1 Library Mentor School 5 School 2 School 3 School 1 Library Mentor School 4 School 2 School 3 School 1 Library Mentor School 2 School 3 School 1 Kesha Brewer Intern (PT) School 5 School 4 School 6 School 5

7 School Leadership Team

8 Professional Development Model Individual School Based Workshops Cohort Workshops Entire Project Institutes

9 “Our library is serving the mission of the school by creating an atmosphere where reading and obtaining information is exciting and challenging. The library, through Library Connections, has already acquired many attractive books that say “read me” and reference materials that provide the students and teachers with information for research projects”

10 Evaluation Techniques Management Tool Site Visits Mentor Reports Teacher Surveys Student Surveys Student Focus Groups Workshop Evaluations Collection Assessment Circulation Statistics Annual Report

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