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Oregon Spatial Data Library Enhancements 2015-2017 BIENNIUM FIT PROPOSAL.

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Presentation on theme: "Oregon Spatial Data Library Enhancements 2015-2017 BIENNIUM FIT PROPOSAL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oregon Spatial Data Library Enhancements 2015-2017 BIENNIUM FIT PROPOSAL

2 Objective  Improve Oregon Spatial Data Library to make publishing, discovering and accessing data and metadata easier and more informative

3 Issues  Good results buried deep when searching  Framework datasets and associated elements could be more identifiable  User interface out-dated  Lack of a clear pathway to publish and update spatial data  Collaboration with other data catalogs can be improved

4 Comparison of hydrography vs. rivers vs. water search Page 4 of search result

5 Expected benefits  Enhanced ability to discover and access data and metadata with Framework data elements readily identifiable  Improved coordination and communications  Updated OSDL metadata and data submission workflows

6 Six areas of enhancement proposed 1. Scoping and Coordination 2. Internal Data Repository 3. Metadata Collection and Updating Workflows 4. User Interface 5. External Site Integration 6. Site Hosting and Support

7 I. Scoping and Coordination  Review and prioritize needs – local, state to regional  Scope out need for new FIT Data Catalog Work Group  Interested parties:  Lane Council of Governments  Ocean Coastal Management Program of DLCD  West Coast Governors Alliance on Ocean Health  Emergency Response Program of DEQ

8 2. Internal Data Repository  Upgrade geoportal  Add SOLR indexing  Integrate proposed metadata validation and editing solution (LCOG proposal)

9 3. Metadata Collection & Updating Workflows  Establish metadata collection workflows  Support direct publishing of ArcCatalog metadata records (LCOG proposal)  Develop web service metadata guidelines

10 4. User Interface  Improve with help of graphic designer  Leverage existing shared code  Upgrade mapping tools  Incorporate faceted search  Framework categories  Collections  Keywords  ISO topic areas  Other?


12 5. External Site Integration  Seamless metadata and data harvesting across geographic scales – local, state, to regional  Integrate OSDL search into other systems  Oregon Explorer  Raptor  Others?

13 6. Site Hosting & Support  Hardware and software update and maintenance  User troubleshooting  Proactive metadata and data calls/updates

14 AUG 2015 OCT 2015MAY 2016AUG 2016 OCT 2016 MAY 2017 New metadata/ data added Project end Project start Begin scoping Begin internal data repository enhancements Begin metadata collection & workflow Test LCOG metadata solution Begin user interface design Begin external site integration Beta testing of user interface Public launch 10/31 or before Revised 4/23/15 Project Timeline

15 Project team  Oregon State University (OSU)  Janine Salwasser, Oregon Explorer Program Lead, Institute for Natural Resources (INR)  Marc Rempel, Oregon Explorer Technical Program Manager, OSU Libraries and Press  Myrica McCune, Oregon Explorer GIS Analyst, INR  Initial Collaborators  Eric Brandt, Nick Seigal, Mike Travess, Lane Council of Governments  Tanya Haddad, Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development  Todd Hallenbeck, West Coast Governors Alliance on Ocean Health  Don Pettit, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

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