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Topic: Skeletal System Aim: How does the skeletal system help us survive? Do Now: What is the name for a group of tissues working together to perform a.

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Presentation on theme: "Topic: Skeletal System Aim: How does the skeletal system help us survive? Do Now: What is the name for a group of tissues working together to perform a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Topic: Skeletal System Aim: How does the skeletal system help us survive? Do Now: What is the name for a group of tissues working together to perform a function?

2 Topic: Skeletal System Aim: What are tissues? How many different tissues are in our body? Do Now: Take your quiz.

3 Review: How is the body organized? Cells  Tissues  Organs  Organ Systems  OrganismCells  Tissues  Organs  Organ Systems  Organism Cells: smallest unit of structure and function in living thingsCells: smallest unit of structure and function in living things Tissues: similar cells performing one functionTissues: similar cells performing one function Organs: group of tissues performing a functionOrgans: group of tissues performing a function Organ Systems: group of organs performing a functionOrgan Systems: group of organs performing a function Together, each level makes up an organismTogether, each level makes up an organism

4 What are the different types of tissues? 1.Muscle tissue: only kind of tissue in your body that can contract or shorten 2.Nerve tissue: carries messages back and forth between the brain and other parts of the body 3.Connective tissue: supports and connects the body and its parts –Examples: bone (solid) and blood (liquid) 4.Epithelial tissue: covers and protects surfaces inside and outside the body

5 What are our organ systems? RespiratoryRespiratory ExcretoryExcretory ImmuneImmune MuscularMuscular EndocrineEndocrine ReproductiveReproductive DigestiveDigestive CirculatoryCirculatory SkeletalSkeletal NervousNervous Organ Systems Skeletal Circulatory Nervous Immune Respiratory Digestive Reproductive Endocrine Muscular Excretory

6 What are the functions of the skeletal system? 1.Provides shape and support 2.Allows for movement 3.Protects organs and tissues 4.Produces blood cells 5.Stores minerals

7 Topic: Skeletal System Aim: What are joints? Do Now: Where are blood cells made?

8 Topic: Skeletal System Aim: What are bones? Do Now: List the four types of tissue found in our bodies and give an example of each.

9 What makes up the skeletal system? 1.Bones 2.Cartilage 3.Ligaments 4.Tendons

10 What are bones? Made up of 2 minerals, phosphorus and calcium, that provide strengthMade up of 2 minerals, phosphorus and calcium, that provide strength Marrow is found inside of the bone and produces blood cellsMarrow is found inside of the bone and produces blood cells Nerves and blood vessels are found in the canalsNerves and blood vessels are found in the canals

11 What is osteoporosis? Bones become weak and break easilyBones become weak and break easily

12 What is cartilage? Flexible connective tissueFlexible connective tissue Provides protection, support, and cushioningProvides protection, support, and cushioning Can be found in nose, ears, ends of bones, and between vertebraeCan be found in nose, ears, ends of bones, and between vertebrae

13 What is a ligament? Connects bone to boneConnects bone to bone

14 What is a tendon? Connects muscle to boneConnects muscle to bone

15 What is a joint? Where 2 bones meetWhere 2 bones meet Two types of joints:Two types of joints: 1.Immovable – allows NO movement –Example: skull 2.Movable – allows movement –Example: elbow Immovable Joint - Skull

16 What are the four types of movable joints? 1.Ball and Socket: allows for circular motion Examples: hip and shoulderExamples: hip and shoulder 2.Pivot: one bone rotates around another; allows side to side or up and down motions Example: neckExample: neck

17 What are the four types of movable joints? 3.Hinge: “door hinges” allow forward and backward motions Examples: elbow and kneeExamples: elbow and knee 4.Gliding: allows one bone to slide over another Examples: ankle and wristExamples: ankle and wrist

18 Joints in Motion dy/body/factfiles/joints/spine_joints.s html dy/body/factfiles/joints/spine_joints.s html dy/body/factfiles/joints/spine_joints.s html dy/body/factfiles/joints/spine_joints.s html

19 Topic: Skeletal System Aim: How can we diagnose bone injuries? Do Now: Fill in #s 1-4 on the chart: The Skeletal System PartFunction Bone1. 2.Connects muscles to bones 3.Flexible connective tissue found at the ends of bones and used as cushioning Ligament4. Makes blood cells Tendon Cartilage Connects bone to bone

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