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The Interview Guide Question Techniques. Categories of Qualitative Questions  Straightforward questions Direct and factual  What is the most important.

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Presentation on theme: "The Interview Guide Question Techniques. Categories of Qualitative Questions  Straightforward questions Direct and factual  What is the most important."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Interview Guide Question Techniques

2 Categories of Qualitative Questions  Straightforward questions Direct and factual  What is the most important thing you look for when buying a video game? Structural  Think of the last time you purchased a video game. In order of priority, what were the three criteria most important to you?

3 Categories of Qualitative Questions  Open-ended, elaboration-oriented questions Grand tour  Think of the last time you visited a retailer with the idea in mind of purchasing a video game. Tell me what you were thinking as you prepared to go to the store, what you did once you got there, and what conversation took place with you and any of the staff before you chose your selection.

4 Categories of Qualitative Questions  Open-ended, elaboration-oriented questions Idealization  Describe your perfect idea of a video gaming console. What does it include, how can it be used…what are some things that make it special?

5 Categories of Qualitative Questions  Open-ended, elaboration-oriented questions Contrast questions  Describe what you believe the difference is between Nintendo Wii and Sony Xbox

6 Categories of Qualitative Questions  Open-ended, elaboration-oriented questions Hypothetical-Interaction  Pretend that you are the maker of a new video game product for women. What features would you specify as most important for getting women to purchase the product? Explain your answer.

7 Categories of Qualitative Questions  Open-ended, elaboration-oriented questions ‘Third-person’  What is one thing that you believe other women between the ages of 18 and 24 believe is important in a video game?

8 Additional Qualitative Techniques  The Projective Techniques Word-association  What is the first word that comes to mind when I say video game? Thought bubble completion Sentence/story completion  Jane visited Best Buy to buy a video game for the first time. When she got there, (finish the story in terms of what she did, who she talked with, and how she felt during the experience)

9 Additional Qualitative Techniques Personalization of objects  If Nintendo Wii and XBox were animals in a zoo, what kind of animal would they be? Explain your answer. Role playing  Role play for me the kind of person you would characterize as a heavy video game player.

10 Additional Qualitative Techniques  The Projective Techniques Shopping lists Picture Projection Picture sort Collage

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