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A new look at lower mantle structure through cluster analysis Ved Lekic CIDER post-AGU workshop 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "A new look at lower mantle structure through cluster analysis Ved Lekic CIDER post-AGU workshop 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 A new look at lower mantle structure through cluster analysis Ved Lekic CIDER post-AGU workshop 2011

2 Motivation What is the composition of the bulk silicate Earth (BSE)?  Can an Earth made of Enstatite Chondrites satisfy seismological constraints? Can we develop a reference seismological model for more realistic mineralogical interpretations?



5 Vs Profiles of 2 Clusters

6 Ingredients for CIDER success Setting: has to be an environment that fosters intellectual and social interaction – A physical space after hours  common rooms! – Common lodging for all junior participants Interaction between senior and junior participants during the workshop, meals and time off facilitates professional interactions and scientific discussion in other settings. Balance across scientific disciplines, academic institutions, and geographic settings make for a more accepting and dynamic environment.

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