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New Jersey Colony By: Caylee Davis. Trades/Farming Milliner. Sells fabric that can be made into clothing. Also things like shirts, aprons, caps, hats.

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Presentation on theme: "New Jersey Colony By: Caylee Davis. Trades/Farming Milliner. Sells fabric that can be made into clothing. Also things like shirts, aprons, caps, hats."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Jersey Colony By: Caylee Davis

2 Trades/Farming Milliner. Sells fabric that can be made into clothing. Also things like shirts, aprons, caps, hats muffs and trim for gowns. Many young girls become an apprentice to a milliner to learn the skills of gown making. It is important to learn how to cut, fit, and sew fabric so a customer could get just the right fit. Many young girls become an apprentice to a milliner to learn the skills of gown making. It is important to learn how to cut, fit, and sew fabric so a customer could get just the right fit. The milliner is known to furnish everything for the ladies. The major industry is mining and lumbering.

3 Family Life Women were responsible for the indoor duties such as preparing food, cleaning, cooking also milking cows, gardening, and sewing. Women were responsible for the indoor duties such as preparing food, cleaning, cooking also milking cows, gardening, and sewing. Men’s duties were mostly outdoors such as repairing fences, farming, planting crops and butchering livestock. They had the most free time in the winter when there wasn’t much to do. Men’s duties were mostly outdoors such as repairing fences, farming, planting crops and butchering livestock. They had the most free time in the winter when there wasn’t much to do.

4 Pastime/Hobby There wasn’t much to do. The American colonists had parks in their communities, but they didn't really have playgrounds or swing sets. There wasn’t much to do. The American colonists had parks in their communities, but they didn't really have playgrounds or swing sets. Villages and towns in the Middle and Southern colonies had common areas as well. Here, children played, tutors instructed students, and families gathered to discuss the news of the day. Games kids played include tag, marbles, hopscotch, hide-and-seek, and other names familiar to kids today. Villages and towns in the Middle and Southern colonies had common areas as well. Here, children played, tutors instructed students, and families gathered to discuss the news of the day. Games kids played include tag, marbles, hopscotch, hide-and-seek, and other names familiar to kids today. They didn't really have toys, so they often made their own or played outdoor games that didn't require toys. They didn't really have toys, so they often made their own or played outdoor games that didn't require toys.

5 Communication Most people couldn’t read in these times. Most people couldn’t read in these times. Even though the colonies were located next to one another they didn't have good communication with each other. Even though the colonies were located next to one another they didn't have good communication with each other.

6 Relations with other people England tried to bring the colonies together, but with little success. Each colony had its own constitutions; however, the English King Selected a Royal Governor to supervise the governments of two of the thirteen colonies. England tried to bring the colonies together, but with little success. Each colony had its own constitutions; however, the English King Selected a Royal Governor to supervise the governments of two of the thirteen colonies. Although the local Assembly had the right to decide on its own administration, the Royal Governor had the power to oppose to what others thought, which caused friction in the colonies. Although the local Assembly had the right to decide on its own administration, the Royal Governor had the power to oppose to what others thought, which caused friction in the colonies.

7 Religion Many people came to America in search of religious freedom. Their hope was to escape the religious persecution they were facing in their countries. Many people came to America in search of religious freedom. Their hope was to escape the religious persecution they were facing in their countries. The one thing they did not want to do was to establish a church like the Church of England. The one thing they did not want to do was to establish a church like the Church of England. The colonists wanted a chance to worship freely and have an opportunity to choose which religion they wanted to take part in. The colonists wanted a chance to worship freely and have an opportunity to choose which religion they wanted to take part in. Many religious groups (such as the Quakers and Puritans) formed the first 13 colonies on the basis of their religious beliefs. Many religious groups (such as the Quakers and Puritans) formed the first 13 colonies on the basis of their religious beliefs.

8 Education If you were a school-age person in Colonial America you might have gone to a public or private school, just like you would today. But what you learned and how you learned it have changed through the years. New Jersey (Middle Colonies) schools were largely religious and taught the teachings of one religion. If you were a school-age person in Colonial America you might have gone to a public or private school, just like you would today. But what you learned and how you learned it have changed through the years. New Jersey (Middle Colonies) schools were largely religious and taught the teachings of one religion. If you were a Catholic, you learned about that religion. Most schools were private. Students also learned other subjects so they could get into college. If you were a Catholic, you learned about that religion. Most schools were private. Students also learned other subjects so they could get into college. Girls weren't allowed to attend, unless they were Quakers. Girls weren't allowed to attend, unless they were Quakers.

9 Daily life A great many American Colonists also took care of their own food needs. It was not uncommon for a farm family to have crops growing near the ocean while chickens, pigs, and cows were grazing nearby. A great many American Colonists also took care of their own food needs. It was not uncommon for a farm family to have crops growing near the ocean while chickens, pigs, and cows were grazing nearby. It was common to begin each day with a stiff drink like cider or rum. It was common to begin each day with a stiff drink like cider or rum. Traveling was done mostly in the summer and winter. Traveling was done mostly in the summer and winter.

10 Climate The Climate was relatively hot. This was better for the middle colonies. It allowed a longer and better growing season. The Climate was relatively hot. This was better for the middle colonies. It allowed a longer and better growing season.


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