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Image Quality Review Third Quarter 2012 Thursday December 6 th 2012 IIBC Lower Level Conference Rooms 5:30-7:00 PM John Crowley, RDMS-RVT.

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Presentation on theme: "Image Quality Review Third Quarter 2012 Thursday December 6 th 2012 IIBC Lower Level Conference Rooms 5:30-7:00 PM John Crowley, RDMS-RVT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Image Quality Review Third Quarter 2012 Thursday December 6 th 2012 IIBC Lower Level Conference Rooms 5:30-7:00 PM John Crowley, RDMS-RVT

2   RWF report for third quarter.  ACR accreditation report.  SFU pediatric hydro criteria.  Solid epididymal masses.  Customer service report. Delivering on the promise…. presented by Valerie and Lynnette. Agenda

3 RWF REPORT 3 RD QUARTER 2012  No Cine-loops (4)  Protocol errors (10)  ViewPoint Errors (3)  Not Tech ready (8)  Wanted 3D reconstruct in GYN case (3)  Good Compliments (2)

4 I'm down here!

5  Cine-loops…Uterus sagittal and transverse and one of each ovary….PLUS any pathology.  Is ViewPoint assigned ? LOOK at the report. (F5).  Color on Thyroid nodules will be discussed at next section meeting.  3D reconstructs for IUD’s. Bill for it if we have the ok. Continue to practice on all other cases as time permits, but we don’t need to bill for these.

6  Does Radiologist need a call ? Document on the on-line form what your actions are….  Remember if we do twins and only one twin remains, we need to change billing to singleton, otherwise the patient gets billed for two exams.  Review downtime procedures for all locations.  Split screen measurements.


8  New pregnancy line.


10 ACR Accreditation Report


12 Try to type less and use the touchscreen more for consistency on images …

13 16 year old with palpable non- tender scrotal mass for 4 years

14 Patient claims that the lump has slightly increased in size



17 Mass (located in the body of the Epididymis) measured 1.9 x 1.5 x 1.5 cm and demonstrated internal flow


19 Normal testicles bilaterally

20 abstract




24 Infant Hydronephrosis 50% of congenital anomalies. Most common causes are transient and physiologic accounting for 60% of cases. Society of Fetal Urology (SFU) developed grading system 1-4. Only grades 3 and 4 are thought to be clinically significant postnatally. Renal pelvic diameter (RPV) is another method of measurement. UPJ Obstruction 10%. Male to female 3-1. Bilateral 20-25% of cases.

25 Infant Hydronephrosis Vesicoureteral reflux 33% Ureterovesical reflux.4% Clinical dilemma becomes which patients would best be operated on and which can be observed.

26 Infant Hydronephrosis



29 Normal Kidney

30 SFU Grade 1

31 SFU Grade 2

32 SFU Grade 3

33 SFU Grade 4

34 Use Color Doppler





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