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SANDRA – LA SOCIEVOLE 14.02.2003. SANDRA – LA SOCIEVOLE “The 12 service gives me a nervous breakdown with all these mecanical voices. You can never get.

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Presentation on theme: "SANDRA – LA SOCIEVOLE 14.02.2003. SANDRA – LA SOCIEVOLE “The 12 service gives me a nervous breakdown with all these mecanical voices. You can never get."— Presentation transcript:

1 SANDRA – LA SOCIEVOLE 14.02.2003

2 SANDRA – LA SOCIEVOLE “The 12 service gives me a nervous breakdown with all these mecanical voices. You can never get what you want. It’s so much better to talk to an operator. For example, once I was looking for the number for a place that had moved, and I couldn’t find it. The operator, thank god, was so nice and gave me the number of a person that lived in the street where this place used to be, so I was able to find the new address.”

3 SANDRA – LA SOCIEVOLE MOTIVATIONS: SELF Sandra is 45 years old. She used to work, but quit a few years ago. She lives in a small villa on the outskirts of town with her husband and two sons, 6 and 15 years old. The daughter, who is 18, is studying abroad. Sandra dedicates a lot of time to housekeeping and her two sons. She takes them to school, to the swimming pool and to music school. She tries to do her best for everybody, but she is always afraid to make mistakes. For example, her older son complains because Sandra calls him all the time on the mobile, but she only does it to hear how he is doing and if everything is all right. She is very busy and finds it hard to make time for herself, but Sandra manages to dedicate a couple of hours every day to her personal activities. In the morning she studies English using the computer and in the early afternoon, before going back to the daily chores, she relaxes reading novels. She especially likes to read the classics, or to take care of her spiritual life through reading.

4 SANDRA – LA SOCIEVOLE MOTIVATIONS: FAMILY Sandra stopped working in order to take care of her sons and she tries to follow them closely. Even if the older daughet is far away, she communicates with her on a daily basis via e-mail. She also established an e-mail correspondance with the family the daughter lives with in the US, and she looks forward to meet them personally. Although he is away for work, Sandra’s husband actively participates in family life. She calls him at least two times a day to keep him informed about what is happening at home.

5 SANDRA – LA SOCIEVOLE MOTIVATIONS: FRIENDS Some of her younger child’s mothers are among Sandra’s friends. Sandra makes arrangements with them to take the children to school or to the gym, and often they spend time chatting together or they have long conversations on the phone. Her daughter’s birthday is close, and Sandra is organising a party where a group of the parents also are invited.

6 SANDRA – LA SOCIEVOLE MOTIVATIONS: COMMUNITY Sandra knows a lot of people in town and this is useful when she organises her daily life. She is a bit confused some times, and not able to plan everything in advance. Therefore she often calls her acquaintances to find out if a shop is open, she calls the hairdresser to hear if there is a long wait to get a haircut, or someone else to to find out if there is a strike on. MOTIVATIONS: WORLD Sandra doesn’t have tme to read newspapers or to watch TV. In any case, she is not very interested in politics. Sometimes she buys magazines like FAMIGLIA CRISTIANA and GIOIA, but she rarely manages to read them. On occation she happens to read a report, some article about culture, or a story about humanity.n general. MOTIVATIONS: BEYOND Sandra dedicates some time in her life to religion. She likes to go to church, but also to other spiritual communities where she can share her reflections with other people and exchange experiences.

7 SANDRA – LA SOCIEVOLE MOTIVATIONS: MEDIA/DIMMITUTTO In Sandra’s house there are three telephones, but the one she uses the most is the cordless in the living room. She doesn’t know what type of subscription they have in the house. Her husband and her son take care of this. They are also the internet experts. Sandra often use the phone to send telegrams, in order to avoid going to the post office, but she doesn’t know about other services.She thinks she should search for more infromation, because she often has her head in the clouds and forgets about things. She hates mechanical voices. The other day she called a number, she doesn’t remember which one, and when she heard a mechanical voice she hung up. Sometimes she uses the mobile but she doesn’t like it; it interrupts conversations and disturbs others. She cannot stand people that use it in public, even in church. If she could choose, she would like the phone to be a counsellor that could help her to solve problems. “I depend on the phone for making reservations, getting information, and for talking to people” RELATED SERVICES: ViVi ALBUM, ViVi ECHO, ViVi DREAM

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