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Alas, Babylon Final Discussion Day.

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1 Alas, Babylon Final Discussion Day

2 Socratic Seminar Assignment
Discussion Date: Block Day, 10/19-20 Questions Due: Block Day, 10/19-20 All together: QUIZ grade

3 Types of Socratic Seminar Questions
Critical Analysis Question: Write a question that analyzes an event in or an aspect of the text from one of the critical perspectives that we have studied this year. Example #1: How can the incident between Odysseus and Eurycleia when Eurycleia discovers who he is based on his scar be analyzed from a feminist perspective? Example #2: From a psychoanalytic perspective, what can we make of Telemachus’s need for a father figure?

4 Types of Socratic Seminar Questions
Universal Theme/Core Question: Write a question dealing with a theme(s) of the text that will encourage group discussion about the universality of the text. Example: How was the concept of a judicial system depicted in A Tale of Two Cities in the various cities, and how are judicial systems in various countries still demonstrating these violent tendencies?

5 Types of Socratic Seminar Questions
Literary Analysis Question: Write a question dealing with HOW the author chose to compose his literary piece. How did the author manipulate point of view, characterization, diction, symbolism, figurative language (for example)? How did he manipulate the English language to get his point and his story across? Example #1: What is the purpose of the epic similes in the Odyssey? Example #2: How does Dickens use the metaphors of the Jackal and the Lion?

6 Procedures and Grading
Your questions are your ticket into the seminar. They are worth 40 points (10 points per question and 10 points for formatting). BRING TWO COPIES! Asking a question is worth 15 points. Providing a substantive response with textual or experiential evidence is worth 15 points. The seminar will last ONE HOUR. No more; no less.

7 In order to earn a MINIMUM passing score, you must…
Turn in questions. Ask at least one question in the seminar. Respond at least twice in the seminar.

8 Alas, Babylon Chapters 12-13
Hope Resourcefulness The Ending

9 Overall Questions What is Frank’s view on the innate nature of the human spirit as evidenced in the text? What does it take to be a survivor? What are the effects of war and change on humanity?

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