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Review Jeopardy AP ENGLISH Semester I Click Once to Begin JEOPARDY! A game show template.

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Presentation on theme: "Review Jeopardy AP ENGLISH Semester I Click Once to Begin JEOPARDY! A game show template."— Presentation transcript:


2 Review Jeopardy AP ENGLISH Semester I

3 Click Once to Begin JEOPARDY! A game show template

4 JEOPARDY! 100 200 300 400 500 Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Category 5 Category 6

5 General LIT. TERMS Terms of Comedy Tragic Terms Language Terms Gimme a “P” 200 400 600 800 1000

6 A brief narrative of an entertaining and presumably true incident

7 What is an ANECDOTE?

8 The device, usually in poetry, of calling out to an imaginary, dead, or absent person, or to a place, thing, personified abstraction

9 What is an APOSTROPHE?

10 A comparison of similar things, often for the purpose of using something familiar to explain something unfamiliar

11 What is an ANALOGY?

12 A term used in literary criticism to identify the sense a written work conveys to a reader of its writer’s attitude, personality, and character

13 What is VOICE?

14 The making of “pictures in words”; the pictorial quality of a literary work achieved though a collection of images

15 What is IMAGERY?

16 A figure of speech in which two contradictory words or phrases are combined in a single expression, giving the effect of a condensed paradox

17 What is an OXYMORON?

18 In literature, a character who represents a trait generally attributed to a social or racial group and lacks other individualizing traits

19 What is a STEREOTYPE?

20 Obvious, extravagant exaggeration or overstatement, not intended to be taken literally, but used figuratively to create humor or emphasis

21 What is HYPERBOLE?

22 A type of comedy, primarily visual, that depends for laughs on outlandish situations, stereotyped characters, and exaggerated, often abusive physical action

23 What is a FARCE?

24 An elaborate figure of speech comparing two dissimilar things; an overdeveloped or far- fetched figure of speech

25 What is a CONCEIT?

26 Overweening pride

27 What is HUBRIS?

28 The quality in a work of art or literature that arouses feelings of sympathy, pity, or sorrow in the viewer or the reader

29 What is PATHOS?

30 A figure of speech that substitutes the name of a related object, person, or idea for the subject at hand, such as “crown” as a substitute for king or ruler

31 What is METONYMY?

32 The Greek term for tragic flaw, weakness of character or error in judgment, which causes the downfall of the hero

33 What is HAMARTIA?

34 Recognition or discovery on the part of the hero; change from ignorance to knowledge


36 The reflection in a work of the author’s attitude toward his/her subject, characters, and readers

37 What is TONE?

38 A figure of speech in which human characteristics and sensibilities are attributed to animals, plants, inanimate objects, natural forces, or abstract ideas


40 A figure of speech in which opposing or contrasting ideas are balanced against each other in grammatically parallel structure

41 What is ANTITHESIS?

42 Shoots a huge metal ball in warfare; or in literary terms: any group of writings that has been established as authentic; more specifically, those books of the Christian Bible

43 What is the CANON?


45 The way an author organizes words, sentences, and overall argument to achieve a particular purpose such as persuasion, exposition, analysis, or narration in a particular piece of writing


47 Just when things are looking up for Oedipus, his fortune is reversed

48 What is PERIPETEIA?

49 Presenting another writer’s ideas as your own

50 What is a PLAGIARISM?

51 Duke Orsino: “If music be the food of love, ______ on.”

52 What is PLAY?

53 Entrance ode by the chorus

54 What is PARADOS?

55 “To be, or not to be: that is what really matters” is an awful ___________ of the famous opening lines of Hamlet’s suicide soliloquy

56 What is a PARAPHRASE?


58 “Flying through the air on the wings of a dream…” is an example of this verbal brush stroke that will pump up your prose

59 What is a PARTICIPLE? What is a PARTICIPLE?


61 George Meredith said this makes us laugh first, then pause and reflect


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