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Good Morning! 1.Complete today’s warm-up – worksheet 4. 2.If you finish, study your notes on Scientific Method..

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Presentation on theme: "Good Morning! 1.Complete today’s warm-up – worksheet 4. 2.If you finish, study your notes on Scientific Method.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Morning! 1.Complete today’s warm-up – worksheet 4. 2.If you finish, study your notes on Scientific Method..

2 Housekeeping Signed Contracts? $5.00 for Biology Handbook? Homework? (sponge Bob) –We will discuss answers Next Friday: Unit 1 Test

3 Quiz 1: Scientific Method Clear EVERYTHING off your table except a pen/pencil. Leave your quiz face down until all the quizzes have been passed out. Eyes on your own paper. No notes. No talking. Turn your quiz back over, face down when you finish. Questions?

4 BINDERS Biology Handbook – place in the back of the binder. Dividers in front…

5 Dividers: 1.Divider/Unit 1: Scientific Method (S.M) and Characteristics of Life 2.Biochemistry 3.Cells 4.DNA/Cell Division/Reproduction 5.Protein Synthesis and Mutations 6.Genetics 7.Biotechnology and Disease 8.Evolution 9.Classification and Immunity 10.Organisms, Adaptations, and Behavior 11.Ecology and Human Impact 12.EOC Review

6 How do you know you are alive? What traits (characteristics) do you think ALL living things share? How can you tell if something is living?

7 Characteristics of Living Things Biology is the study of _______ and __________ things All living thing, called ______________, share some common characteristics and life functions. All organisms must carry out all of the same life processes, or activities, in order to be considered “alive.” There are 6 characteristics of life: life living organisms

8 Life Characteristic #1 Genetic Code: All living things are made from a universal Genetic code (DNA, RNA) This is also known as heredity.

9 Life Characteristic #2 All living things are made up of one or more cells.

10 Life Characteristic #3 Living things can obtain and use energy. This is also called METABOLISM

11 Life Characteristic #4 change over time a population. (They evolve)

12 Life Characteristic #5 Living things are able to maintain homeostasis. (internal balance) Define: The ability to maintain a stable (balanced) internal environment

13 Life Characteristic #6 Living things are able to adapt or respond (adjust) to their environment.

14 Let’s investigate more! 1.Read the directions. 2.Define each term. 3.Write a hypothesis. 4.Visit each station with your partner and complete the chart. Let’s do one together…

15 #1 CharacteristicsConditionReason for Decision Made of Cells Respond to Stimuli Reproduction Metabolism Heredity Homeostasis Evolve

16 More… Living things also have to be able to accomplish certain life processes or activities. A living thing must be able to do ALL 8 of these “STERNGRR” processes.

17 Atoms / Elements Molecules Cells Tissues Organs Systems Organism STERNGRR (life processes) starts here!

18 Life Processes S TERNGRR S ynthesis to make or build to combine

19 SYNTHESIS examles photosynthesis: makes compounds using __________ energy: (PLANTS) chemosynthesis: makes compounds using _________________ energy: (BACTERIA) Protein synthesis: cells have structures called ribosomes that make proteins (ALL cells) sunlight chemical

20 Plants use light energy of the sun to SYNTHESIZE (make) food

21 Life Processes S T ERNGRR T ransport to move The movement of materials WITHIN an organism; circulation

22 TRANSPORT DOES NOT MEAN movement from place to place Transport is the movement INSIDE the organism –  i.e. vascular tissue in plants

23 Transport Example Plants have vascular tissue –(xylem to transport water in the stem) –(phloem to move sugar and water through the stem)

24 The blood is the body’s TRANSPORT system for moving oxygen, nutrients and wastes from one place to another. Circulatory system. In animals, can be open or closed

25 Life Processes ST E RNGRR E xcretion = to get rid of wastes

26 EXCRETION examples Transpiration in plants: how plants get rid of __________ Diffusion of waste gasses (like _______) out of cells through the cell membrane water CO2

27 EXCRETION helps an organism to maintain homeostasis by getting rid of waste materials

28 Life Processes STE R NGRR R eproduction = to make more individuals When a species makes more of its own kind

29 REPRODUCTION 2 kinds: SEXUAL: (2 parent cells) –Spores –Pollination ASEXUAL: (one parent cell) –Mitosis –Binary fission

30 Life Processes STER N GRR N utrition = Metabolism Obtaining and using nutrients for energy

31 NUTRITION heterotroph: eats different foods for energy (animals, bacteria, fungi) OR autotroph: makes own food internally (plants, algae)

32 Life Processes STERN G RR G rowth (and Development) to get bigger and change When an organism increases in size or number

33 GROWTH examples _____________________ (complete vs. incomplete) Plants and animals use the process of MITOSIS to make more cells that allows for growth Metamorphosis

34 GROWTH is getter larger DEVELOPMENT is changing stages during one’s life cycle

35 Life Processes STERNG R R R espiration = Turning food into usable energy

36 RESPIRATION Respiration: turning food into usable energy with the exchange of ______  IS NOT ALWAYS BREATHING! gases

37 RESPIRATION is the process used by a living organism to break down food and produce energy RESPIRATION examples 1._______________when cells use oxygen to break down glucose for energy (ATP) 2._________________: when cells produce ATP (energy) without oxygen present AEROBIC ANAEROBIC

38 Life Processes STERNGR R R egulation = Homeostasis What an organism does to maintain an internal balance

39 REGULATION examples Regulation: homeostasis 1.Sweating to keep cool and shivering to stay warm (regulates body temperature) 2.Insulin hormone regulates blood 3.Stomata (openings/pores) on plant leaves regulate _______ exchange and _____________ loss sugar gas water

40 REGULATION includes responding to stimuli and making adjustments to help maintain homeostasis

41 CASE STUDY! 1.Work with your partner. 2.Create a STERNGRR +6 check list 3.Read the “Safari Scenario” about the discovery of a strange object and determine whether it is living or non-living. 4.As you read the scenario, see which terms can be checked off. Give examples of the terms that are met. 5.If all terms can be checked off, the item is living. If not, the item is nonliving.

42 STERNGRR +6 Characteristics of Life 1.Made of cells - 2.Respond to environment - 3.Evolve - 4.Genetic Code - 5.Obtain & Use Energy - 6.Homeostasis - STERNGRR (processes of living things) S - T - E - R - N - G - R -

43 Group Discussions All the “Rhinos” Come together and share your findings and conclusions All the “Bull Dozers” come together and share your findings and conclusion

44 2.1.2 Characteristics of Life and Life Processes Use your notes! Work with a partner or independently Use highlighters if that helps We will do the 2 together!

45 EXAMPLECHARACTERISTIC DESCRIBED KEY WORDS a. autotrophic/ heterotrophic organisms e. The cell membrane is semi-permeable and allows certain particles to pass through, but not others

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