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AP Biology Discussion Notes Tuesday 04/14/2015. Goals for the day Be able to explain & apply the Hardy- Weinberg Equilibrium Be able to define and apply.

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Presentation on theme: "AP Biology Discussion Notes Tuesday 04/14/2015. Goals for the day Be able to explain & apply the Hardy- Weinberg Equilibrium Be able to define and apply."— Presentation transcript:

1 AP Biology Discussion Notes Tuesday 04/14/2015

2 Goals for the day Be able to explain & apply the Hardy- Weinberg Equilibrium Be able to define and apply the terms of population genetics and say what they might mean for evolution & Hardy Weinberg

3 Question of the day 4/14 What does the Hardy-Weinberg theory predict will happen to allele and genotype frequencies in the next generation if all 5 assumptions are met?

4 New term…. Fixed allele – only allele for the trait – frequency of 100%

5 Questions CH 23 terms Problem Set #1

6 Work order for 4/14 1.Chapter 23 reading/terms – Define bold terms throughout chapter on separate piece of paper. Underline term, and then define 2.HWE problems part 2 – write what is given/needed FIRST 3.Complete HWE problems part 2 4.Extra Credit – DUE Wednesday 4/22

7 Reminders AP REVIEW – TONIGHT PM 4:30-5:30 – Thursday AM 7:00-8:00 For tomorrow: – Finish Part 2 HWE given/needed AND check answers WED PM last time for quiz corrections/retakes – Retakes must be finished in advance of retaking a quiz. Tuesday AM is the only time that is off limits Chapter 23 terms DUE Thursday HWE part 2 DUE Friday Extra Credit – DUE Wednesday 4/22

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