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Msg in a Bottle By: Matt Mann Mike Nichols Brandon Shewmake.

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Presentation on theme: "Msg in a Bottle By: Matt Mann Mike Nichols Brandon Shewmake."— Presentation transcript:

1 Msg in a Bottle By: Matt Mann Mike Nichols Brandon Shewmake

2 Concept  Motivation  Social Interaction  Gaming  Exercise  Description: Social Media and Treasure Hunting via Geocaching

3 Cache Properties  Public vs Private  Public: everyone can view  Private: only friends can view  Visible vs Hidden  Hidden: uses camera to find Cach  Bottle vs Treasure Chest  Bottle: a msg and all other media  Chest: allows only text  Timer?  Linked?

4 Cache Media  Interactive Media  Ie: watch this video, read this question, extc and answer  Text  Pictures  Videos  Audio  May add restrictions on chest media

5 Chest Properties  Requires a min amount of gold contributed  Curse vs Blessing  Affects based on amount of gold in chest  Curse: no Gold and you are hexed  Blessing: gold boost

6 Social Aspect

7 Game Aspect

8 Why Play The Game  Bragging Rights  Higher rank == better than your friends  Get rank by placing gold in chest  Get gold via daily booty and opening chest  As your rank increase, will require more gold put in a chest to continue increasing rank  Lots of Exercise  Dominating your friends and strangers

9 Game Features (subject to change)  Daily Stipend  Curse: Lowers gold multiplier  Blessing: Increases gold multiplier  Witch Doctors: Located at McDonalds or other common places  Blessings: bought from the Witch Doctor  Curses: cured by Witch Docotors  Random Curses and Blessings  Rankings: (Will Change)  Grand Poobah, Made Man, Newb

10 Features  Friends List  BOW (Bottle of the Week by popular vote)  COW (Chest of the Week by point value)  Groups List  Group Specific Notifications

11 Possible Features  Achievements  Integrating Other Social Media  Other ways of adding incentive to the game

12 Competitor: App - Uses GPS features - Physical Caches - Map of Nearby POI - Post Field Notes

13 Challenges Things we've never done  Security features  Picture recognition  Voice recognition  Superimposing bottle/chest on camera  Superimposing directional arrow on camera  Pushing/Pulling from server  Aquiring server space  Balancing economy  Proper incentive to play

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