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Dr. Gina R. Scala East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania The Special Education Leadership Summer Academy – Achieving Balance: Managing Compliance,

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Gina R. Scala East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania The Special Education Leadership Summer Academy – Achieving Balance: Managing Compliance,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Gina R. Scala East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania The Special Education Leadership Summer Academy – Achieving Balance: Managing Compliance, Leading Improvement

2 Priorities: Determine & act on important priorities daily. Attitude: Choose & display the right attitudes daily. Health: Know & follow healthy guidelines daily. Family: Communicate with & care for my family daily. (Maxwell, 2004)

3 Thinking: Practice & develop good thinking daily. Commitment: Make & keep proper commitments daily. Finances: Make & properly manage dollars daily. Faith: Deepen & live out my faith daily. (Maxwell, 2004)

4 Relationships: Initiate & invest in solid relationships daily. Generosity: Plan for & model generosity daily. Values: Embrace & practice good values daily. Growth: Seek & experience improvements daily. (Maxwell, 2004)

5 Evaluate your priorities daily. Predictable vs Unpredictable Events. Plan your time carefully. Follow your plan. Delegate whenever possible. Invest in the right people daily.

6 PMS…Positive Mental Attitude Choose Your Attitude ~ FISH book (Lundin, Paul, Christensen, 2000) The Theory of the Dipper and the Bucket 65% of Americans received no recognition in the workplace last year 9 out of 10 people say they are more productive around positive people Magic ratio: 5 positive interactions for every 1 negative interaction Sincere recognition increases morale of any group. (Rath & Clifton, 2004;

7 Enter the situation with at least three (3) ideas Think outside the box…limitations? Short term vs long term objectives Brainstorm…Reform? Conform? Make Their Day (Lundin, Paul, Christensen, 2000)

8 Be Present (Lundin, Paul, Christensen, 2000) Timelines Schedules Meetings Phone Calls Emails

9 Trust Honesty Integrity Humor Sincerity Compassion

10 “Be the change you want to see in the world” Mahatma Gandhi Decisions help us start. Discipline helps us finish. The most successful people in life are the ones who settle their critical issues early and manage them daily. The only adequate preparation for tomorrow is the right use of today.

11 Successful people make right decisions early and mange those decisions daily. The secret of your success is determined by your daily agenda. Real, sustainable change doesn’t happen in a moment. It’s a process.

12 Rate Yourself on the Daily Dozen Your first checklist is made for you Verify your Self-evaluation Pick two strengths Pick one weakness Reevaluate Repeat

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