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The Russian Revolution AOS1 - Revolutionary ideas, leaders, movements and events Facts on April Thesis and the role of Kerensky.

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Presentation on theme: "The Russian Revolution AOS1 - Revolutionary ideas, leaders, movements and events Facts on April Thesis and the role of Kerensky."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Russian Revolution AOS1 - Revolutionary ideas, leaders, movements and events Facts on April Thesis and the role of Kerensky

2 Lenin’s April Thesis ‘He proposed no backing for the ongoing war,; immediate transition to the “second” phase of the Revolution; refusal to support the Provisional Government; transfer of all power to the soviets; abolition of the army in favour of a popular militia; confiscation of all landlord property and nationalisation of all land; the fusion of all banks into a single National Bank under Soviet supervision; soviet control of production and distribution; creation of a new Socialist International.’ (Pipes 1990: 393) From this document, create dot points to explain what Lenin proposed in his April Thesis

3 Lenin’s April Thesis No backing for the ongoing war Transition to the “second” phase of the Revolution No support for the Provisional Government Transfer of all power to the soviets Abolition of the army /creation of a popular militia Confiscation of all landlord property and nationalisation of all land Fusion of all banks into a single National Bank under Soviet supervision Soviet control of production and distribution It should look a bit like this...

4 Alexander Kerenksy Career Background: Lawyer Leadership roles: 1905 – Joined Socialist revolutionaries 1917: Feb - Led movement demanding Tsar’s abdication March - Minister of Justice in Provisional Government June - Minister of War (led June offensive) July - Prime Minister Achievements: Defeated Bolshevik Party in July Days Defeated Commander in Chief Kornilov’s advance on Petrograd Presented in media as ‘Leader of Freedom’ and Leader of Revolution

5 Pipes on Kerenksy: A fatal mistake? ‘...lost a unique opportunity to liquidate the genuine “counterrevolution” from the left out of fear of an imaginary “counterrevolution” from the right.’ (Pipe 1990:438) Perceived threat from ‘right’: A counterrevolution from conservatives Actual threat from the ‘left’: A counterrevolution from Bolsheviks EVIDENCE Feared revolt from the conservative (Tsarist?) Kornilov which never happened Had Tsar and family transported to Siberia, July 31 1917 EVIDENCE Released Bolsheviks from Prison when fearing revolt from Kornilov Armed Bolsheviks and allowed creation of Trotsky’s ‘Red Guard’

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