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Heather Anderson.  The end of World War 1  After a famous song with the phrase “How ya gonna keep ‘em down on the farm after they’ve seen Paree?” 

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1 Heather Anderson

2  The end of World War 1  After a famous song with the phrase “How ya gonna keep ‘em down on the farm after they’ve seen Paree?”  People had the desire to travel.  With the availability of jobs & more transportation, almost 15 million people became American urbanites. 1920 -1930

3  End of WW1 urban population went from 2,500 people to over 50 million  according to the 1920 census 50% of people lived in urban cities  Leading to cities were southern African Americans, especially to New York, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., Chicago, St. Louis, and Los Angeles .

4  Prohibition  KKK(Ku Klux Klan) by 1924, they organized the anti-African American, anti-Jewish, and anti-Roman Catholic persecutions had become a national scandal  But the future was bright with an air of grandeur

5  Modern living included; mass production, mass marking, and spectacular advances in the production of consumer durables, electric power, new appliances, suburban housing, and the city skyscrapers highlighted the decade.

6  1920’s little more then 1/3 of American Families had electricity and Automobiles were a play toy  1930’s little under 1/3 lack electricity and automobiles became a necessity for the middle class

7  The symbol of the 1920’s  1.5 million car in 1921 to 4.8 million in 1929  By 1930’s 60% of America’s families owned an automobiles  One of the problems was the increase in travel which then motels, hot dog stands, road signs, and gas stations popped up.  Which didn’t help get out of the depression of the 1930’s

8  Federal Aid Road Act of 1916; nationwide highway system $75 million over a 5 year plan  Federal Highway Act of 1921; amends the original law. The design the “primary” roads but it cost 75 million per year not over 5 like the act of 1916

9  This where credit really came the U.S. and where modern “debt” was inspired  Loans would be what we call them we take out money that we don’t have and we pay it back over time with interest.

10  FAILED!  But to strengthen the law was the Volstead Act 1919, in the 1920 18 amendment was ratified  The 1920’s is where the Mafia’s came really known in our culture

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