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ISO/TC37/SC4/N377 secretary report 2007.8.18

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Presentation on theme: "ISO/TC37/SC4/N377 secretary report 2007.8.18"— Presentation transcript:

1 ISO/TC37/SC4/N377 secretary report 2007.8.18

2 Membership  Two P-members more from –Democratic People’s Republic of Korea –South Africa  23 P-members  6 O-members  10 Liaisons (+3) –TC184/SC4 (industrial data) –OMG (Object management group) –AFNLP (Asia Federation of Natural language processing) 2

3 Structure  WG1 Basic Descriptors  WG2 Representation Scheme  WG3 Multilingual Information (New)  WG4 Natural language lexica  WG5 Workflow for Language resource management (not yet) 3

4 4 Project in Progress and Resolution 11 Projects 3 Thematic Domain Groups

5 WG1: Basic descriptors and mechanisms for language resources Convenor: Nancy Ide WG1-0: WD 21829 Terminology for language resource management (TermLR) Now cancelled Hope revived after terminology harmonization (Kara Warburton) and technological harmonization (Nancy Ide) of SC4 WG 1-1: WD 24612 Linguistic Annotation Framework (LAF) Project leader: Nancy Ide ( WG 1-2: 24610-2 Feature Structures Part 2: Feature Systems Declaration (FSD) Project leader: Kiyong Lee ( Now CD-balloting Due: 080718 5

6 WG 2 Representation Schemes Convenor: Kiyong Lee WG 2-0: 24611 Morphosyntactic Annotation Framework (MAF) Project leader: Eric de la Clergerie ( Pre-DIS (more revision necessary), 2-year rule Asked the convenor for finilizing DIS-ready document WG 2-1: 24614-1 Word Segmentation of Written Texts for Mono-lingual and Multi-lingual Information Processing – Part 1: General Principles and Methods Project leaders: Maosong Sun (, Gerhard Budin (, Sue Ellen Wright ( Due: 080131 6

7 WG 2 Representation Schemes 2/2 WG 2-2: 24614-2 Word Segmentation of Written Texts for Mono-lingual and Multi-lingual Information Processing – Part 2: Word Segmentation for Chinese, Japanese and Korean Project leaders: Maosong Sun (, Key- Sun Choi (, Hitoshi Isahara ( Starting with 24614-1 CD balloting expected Due: 080131 WG 2-3: 24615 Syntactic Annotation Framework (SynAF) Project leader: Thierry Declerck ( No concrete document Due: 080131 WG 2-4: Semantic Annotation Framework (SemAF) 7

8 WG3 Multilingual Information  Convenor: Nasredine Semmar  WG3-1: MLIF (Multilingual Information Framework) 8

9 WG 4 Natural language lexica –Convener: Nicoletta Calzolari ( –Projects: WG 4-0: CD 24613 Lexical Markup Framework (LMF) –Project leaders: Monte George (, Gil Francopoulo ( –Status: pre-DIS 9

10 WG 1 NP 24618 Citation of Electronic Resources (CitER) Proposed project leader: Daan Broeder, Editors: Peter Wittenburg, Thierry Declerck and others Need to discuss 10

11 Ad Hoc Thematic Domain Groups on Data Categories  TDG 1 Metadata –Convener: Peter Wittenburg ( –Status:  TDG 2 Morphosyntax –Convener: Gil Francopoulo ( –Status:  TDG 3 Semantic Content Representation –Convener: Koiti Hasida ( –Coordinated with: Harry Bunt ( –Activity 1 Discourse Relations: Koiti Hasida –Activity 2 Dialogue Acts: Harry Bunt –Activity 3 Referential Structures and Links: Laurent Romary –Activity 4 Logico-semantic Relations: Scott Farrar –Activity 5 Temporal Entities and Relations: Kiyong Lee –Activity 6 Semantic Roles and Argument Structures: Thierry Declerck 11

12  TDG4 –Syntactic data categories (Thierry Declerk)  TDG5 –Machine readable dictionary data categories (Monte George) 12

13 TDG6: Multilingual ontologies  Paris meeting (May, 2007) –Endorsed by Gerhard Budin, chair of the ad- hoc Task Force for ontology, –SC 4 resolves that a new TDG 6 Multilingual ontologies be established within SC 4.  Convenor: Koiti Hasida  Naming and definition of “ontology” –Language-neutral 13

14 Special Group  SG 1 Harmonization of (modeling) principles (Beijing 2006)  Chair: Nancy Ide (2006-2009) 14

15 15 Resolution and SC4 Plenary Resolution 07-xx: 1.CD-balloting on 24614-1 will start before October, 2007 by the result of special session between CSK (DPRK), KATS (ROK), and CNIS (China) based on the excellent CSK comments and suggestions. 2.CSK will edit a revised version of document with Korean examples. This document is registered as WD that will be sent to the co-project leaders who could provide another revised version with each language's examples. CD-balloting on 24614-2 is expected to start before or on this December. 3.CSK and KATS would like to express sincere thanks to TC37 for the collaborative future meetings in Gaeseong city and other third location in China or other countries, in order to resolve the documents. ( 넣어야 하는지 검토 필요함 )

16 Meetings Brandeis/USA, 2006-Oct Tilburg/The Netherlands, 2007-Jan Paris/France, 2007-May Expected Busan/Korea, 2007-Nov In conjunction with international semantic web conference ( PC co-cair: Key-Sun Choi Hong Kong/China, 2008-Jan In conjunction with ICGL Marrakech/Moroco, 2008-May In conjunction with LREC Conference Chair: Nicoletta Calzolari 16

17 17 Balloting

18 18 Meetings announcement

19 19 Resolution 07-xx: Acknowledgments SC 4 expresses its sincerest thanks to Allan Melby and Sue-Ellen Wright with Brigham-Young University and ANSI and the ISO/TC 37 Secretariat for their gracious hospitality in hosting the meetings of the working group

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