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Honors Programs in CS/SE Kick-off Meeting March 16, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Honors Programs in CS/SE Kick-off Meeting March 16, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Honors Programs in CS/SE Kick-off Meeting March 16, 2005

2 Honors Program in CS/SE Agenda: Introductions Welcome Overview of Honors Program Application Form Schedule for next year Q&A Pizza!!!

3 Existing Honors Programs Collegium V Honors Program 95 ECS students currently enrolled in CV 26 Freshmen (15 CS, 7 EE, 2 SE, 2 TE) 16 Sophomores (9 CS, 5 EE, 2 SE) 27 Juniors (15 CS, 9 EE, 2 SE, 1 TE) 26 Seniors (10 CS, 12 EE, 2 SE, 2 TE) Totals: 49 CS, 33 EE, 8 SE, 5 TE) Average GPA: 3.64 (3.69 EE; 3.63 SE; 3.61 CS; 3.60 TE; not weighted by # of hours) Average SAT: 1407 (1440 SE; 1414 EE; 1402 CS; 1360 TE)

4 Long Range Model Collegium V concentrates on lower division classes Degree Program add Upper Division Honors In ECS: Start with CS/SE Add EE/TE later Collaboration between Honors Programs: Can be in BOTH CS/SE Honors classes fulfill CV requirements CS/SE Honors Thesis satisfies CV thesis requirement (Poster extra) CS/SE Honors students can take CV Honors classes (if space is available) and vice versa.

5 Admission Requirements 3.5 GPA in 30 + hours at UTD (or UTD and all previous institutions) Need to maintain 3.5 GPA to graduate with Honors Allowed one semester of probation to bring up

6 Honors Program Requirements Complete 5 upper division honors classes in Major Complete Honors Thesis (e.g., CS 4380, SE 4485)

7 Benefits Recognition – transcript, graduation (as in CV) Small classes (20-25 max size) taught be tenure-track faculty (as in CV) Enhanced content; more interaction (as in CV) Earlier introduction to faculty research Grades based on mastery of material Annual Research Fair Annual Industry Fair Your own 24/7 computer lab

8 More Benefits Eligible for “Mentorships” $1,000/semester - spend a few hours per week helping other students (lead study groups, problem sessions) 20-25 available for Fall 2005. Improved Chance for NSF-CSEMS Scholarships about 30 per year ($3,125); 4 years left.

9 More Benefits Suggested: Form Honors “club” Organize additional academic, social activities Picnic? Coordinate/Collaborate with CV Faculty Advisor Role in Department Help others

10 Interaction with Other Programs Fast-Track: Get into it! Graduate classes (6000 level) count towards CV, CS/SE Honors requirements “Honors” BS/MS Combo: Fast Track to the MS Research Track Good start for Get Doc (know faculty)

11 Honors Programs in CS/SE Advising: Sandy Bowen: Applications, Degree plans, etc. CS/SE Faculty Advisors: Career Planning Fast Track/Get Doc: Sandy Bowen, Simeon Ntafos

12 What to do if... Freshman – participate in CV Sophomore – can apply to CS/SE Honors Program; may take lower level CV classes Can start with CS/SE honors classes if prereqs in place Junior – why have you not applied yet? Senior – may still be able to do it; are you in the Fast-Track program?

13 Scheduling of Honors Classes Fixed Set (given every year) Fall: CS/SE 3345 CS/SE 4348 Spring: CS/SE 3354 CS/SE 4347 Additional classes – supply/demand Fall 2005: CS/SE 3345 – Page CS/SE 4348 - Venkatesan CS/SE 4340 - Dattatreya Spring 2006: CS/SE 3354 – Chung CS/SE 4347 – Raghavachari CS/SE 4384 - Sudborough

14 Honors Programs in CS/SE Questions??? Answer # 1: No, the pizza is not here yet!

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