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POLICY AND PROCEDURE Policy – a simple clear statement of what you should do (what) Procedure – a simple clear statement of who should do what (when, where.

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Presentation on theme: "POLICY AND PROCEDURE Policy – a simple clear statement of what you should do (what) Procedure – a simple clear statement of who should do what (when, where."— Presentation transcript:

1 POLICY AND PROCEDURE Policy – a simple clear statement of what you should do (what) Procedure – a simple clear statement of who should do what (when, where and how)

2 AUTHORITY This policy is promulgated under the authority of the COO and the Director of Infection Control. The Director of Infection Control is responsible for administering the policy.

3 POLICY All medical, nursing and laboratory personnel who identify or suspect a case of a reportable disease will report such case promptly to the Louisiana Department of Health in accordance with the Sanitary Code of the State of Louisiana.

4 LAW IS NOT POLICY There is a term for disobeying the law as a matter of policy. Who are the two most famous proponents of this policy?

5 VIOLATION OF POLICY As with all formal policies of this hospital, violation of this policy is grounds for progressive discipline.

6 MALAPROPISM Mrs Malaprop in The Rivals by Sheridan written in 1775 infectious control nurse (infection) assess concerns (address) hold this nation hostile (hostage)

7 NONSENSE due to the feasibility of the department in the prevention of unlawful duty of care continues to exist for individuals attend to our community in the utmost fashion

8 TAKE A STAND You should think about considering whether you perhaps should look into being in the class room near or at the approximate time that the professor or other instructor may or may not present some information that could possibly be of use to some or all of you now or in certain circumstances in the future. – COME TO CLASS!

9 MODIFIERS Sentences require a noun and a verb. Think carefully before adding an adjective or an adverb. Do not modify an absolute. I am unique, not more unique. Do not split infinitives.

10 PRONOUNS He and I want the books. Give the books to him and me. To whom did you give the books? To him?

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