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Cultivating Youthful Leadership thru Summer Internships.

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Presentation on theme: "Cultivating Youthful Leadership thru Summer Internships."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cultivating Youthful Leadership thru Summer Internships

2 Role of Summer Internships at The Church of the Resurrection To identify and/or cultivate a call to ministry for the participant through hands-on experiences in our church setting.

3 What’s in it for the Intern? Exposed to excellent ministry work and leaders Develop their leadership and ministry gifts thru their interaction with key staff and volunteer leaders Give them equal opportunities to lead and be led Help them grow in knowledge, faith, and maturity within a ministry setting

4 What’s in it for the Church? Receive valuable ministry work and support Help to spark renewal in the church by raising up youthful leadership Promote ministry to the brightest and best young people as an attractive career option Ultimately, increase the number of young people seeking ordination in the church

5 Who are we Looking For? People who are exploring Pastoral Ministry People who are exploring Vocational Ministry People who have a heart for Christ and desire to explore how they can help lead their local church as a young adult while working in the secular world.

6 How do we Recruit? Centralized process Mostly within congregation – Christmas, Spring Break Referrals from each ministry College campus postings

7 Preferred Candidates? A growing interest in or calling to a ministry career Internally identified as a candidate through past or existing involvement with a ministry area Church leadership exhibited as a student. Campus leadership exhibited, especially related to faith Completed their freshman year of college or have at least one year of post-high school experience

8 Interview Process Discuss purpose of program - we need you! Describe what we’re looking for What’s in it for them Describe the experience Discuss their interests/passion/experience One person (Randy) talks to most candidates, then refers best fits to ministry departments for interview and final decision

9 Hiring Logistics 10 week internship May be related to current staff, but not supervised by them Serve a maximum of two summers, with exceptions allowed for strong pastoral candidates desiring exposure to multiple ministry areas Do not receive benefits or housing. Church may assist with finding a host family. Pay is $9 per hour – work half time or full time. Workspaces provided within the ministry area they are serving in

10 Hiring Logistics (continued) Focused mainly in one ministry area. Possibilities include: Group LifeSpecial Needs Guest ServicesTraditional Music CatalystContemporary Music Technical ArtsCongregational Care ChildrenCounseling YouthCommunications Regional CampusesIT Missions

11 Supervision One person assigned to each intern Sets specific job responsibilities and ministry goals Regular check-ins (recommend weekly or bi-weekly) as to the effectiveness of their work Regular discussion to ensure the internship is meeting the expectations of the intern Guides and mentors the intern throughout the summer

12 Intern Experiences Orientation session Campus tour Weekly group learning opportunities focusing on community, spiritual growth and leadership development Hear faith stories of guests during the weekly intern gatherings Exposure to the church staff thru our weekly staff chapel. Encouraged to set up numerous “coffees” with staff and congregant leaders

13 Intern Reflections Provide a short reflection paper at the conclusion of the summer Summarize their experience Describe the status of their “call,” both before the summer began and when it ended. Mention who and what impacted them the most from their experience. What worked, and what didn’t.

14 Sam Johnson’s Story

15 Summary of Goals Develop a consistent experience across the church Develop a process for helping the intern initiate and/or cultivate their call into a future ministry career Ensure future leaders are identified and developed Be a catalyst for more of our young leaders to be placed as ministry professionals and/or pastors Increase visibility to the congregation to aid in recruiting, and send a message of our intent to identify and develop young ministry leaders for the future Promote ministry as an attractive career option for young people

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