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2013 budget report, draft budget request for 2014 and future outlook Martyn Davenport 25 September 2014 CAST FRC-D 2014-036.

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Presentation on theme: "2013 budget report, draft budget request for 2014 and future outlook Martyn Davenport 25 September 2014 CAST FRC-D 2014-036."— Presentation transcript:

1 2013 budget report, draft budget request for 2014 and future outlook Martyn Davenport 25 September 2014 CAST FRC-D 2014-036

2 2013 Budget report  Vacuum Run in 2013 –Phase IV  Status of Contributions 2013  Status of Expenditure in 2013  Magnet operation costs 2013  The status of the CAST Common Fund end 2013

3 Program for 2013 Phase IV - Vacuum Run I SHUTDOWN WORK Bring to P atmos And T amb magnet and cryostat. Repair of the helium gas leak top of the MFB. Remove the SSMM and the SS shielding platform Dismount the MRB end and slide back the large MFB bellows on cryostat Remove all delicate monitoring probes & x-ray cold windows Internal cryostat work Separate the 3He gas lines from the cold bore Add new temperature probes to improve magnet temperature monitoring Adjust MFB vacuum lines to correct misalignment. Strengthen welding of XRT platform to accommodate new heavy shielding Dismount definitively the pn-CCD detector Dismount the MPE XRT and send to PANTER for calibration Close up the cryostat, pump down cryostat Complete mechanical repairs on cryogenic compressors Cool magnet

4 Program for 2013 - Vacuum Run II Commissioning and Data Taking Test magnet 13kA, then magnet temperature systematics tests Install new SRMM detector and new heavy shielding Full survey GRID measurement Solar tracking tests with low energy detector(s) and SRMM X Reinstall MPE XRT X Realign XRT with laser X Install new InGrid detector on XRT X Commission InGrid Install SSMM with new VETO counter Install small SDD on vacant XRT line Commission all detectors Start data taking at the end September 2013 Replace small with big SDD when ready Short data taking run with big SDD December 2013 No slot for calibration of XRT at PANTER InGrid could not be installed “Ambitious program”

5 Phase IV (2013) Promised Contributions Add No4 Standard (kCHF) In-kind details (2012-2014) Special (kCHF)Total CashIn-KindCash or in-kind (kCHF) 201220132014201220132014201220132014 CERN20 15 Technical support 105 IRFU-Saclay, France 1818 4 54 Greek Delegation 100 50 450 UP, Greece 3030 4 90 UTH, Greece 5454 5454 5454 15 NCSR, NTUA, Greece 3434 3434 3434 9 TU-Darmstadt, MPE UFRA, Germany 3.6 6366 Mech wkshp (6,6,6), PANTER tests 58.8 MPP, Germany 555 15 Columbia U., USA 5454 5454 5454 15 DTU-Space, Denmark 5454 5454 5454 15 UD, Turkey 10 4 30 U Bonn, Germany 10 4 30 INR, Russia 666 18 LLNL, USA 15 4 45 UBC, Canada 555 Mech & Elec wkshp 15 RBI, Croatia 15 45 UZ, Spain 30 4 27 Staff at CERN 84 UT, Italy 5454 5454 5454 15 MPS, Germany 10 10 4 30 TOTAL 216.6 246.6649437 88 1138.8 Cash+ In Kind + Special ~ 400 kCHF in 2013

6 2013 -2014 Manpower and Team leaders New arrivals to the Collaboration foreseen for 2014

7 Status end 2012 Balance 69.0 kCHF Outstanding contributions 2011+2012303.3 kCHF  To be carried on into 2013-2014 Out-standing year Out-standing year Out-standing year 201120122011+2012 (kCHF) Institute CERN4.9-40.1-35.2 IRFU-Saclay, France0.20.00.2 Greek Delegation50.0125.0175.0 UP, Greece-21.1-21.7-42.8 UTH, Greece0.05.0 NCSR, NTUA, Greece0.03.0 TU-Darmstadt, MPE UFRA, Germany5.24.49.6 MPP, Germany1.45.06.4 Columbia U., USA0.05.0 DTU-Space, Denmark0.05.0 UD, Turkey10.0 20.0 U Bonn, Germany0.010.0 INR, Russia0.06.0 LLNL, USA7.610.117.7 UBC, Canada5.0 10.0 RBI, Croatia0.015.0 UZ, Spain21.6-10.011.6 UT, Italy0.13.73.8 MPS, Germany0.0 Total (excluding overpayments)303.3

8 Contributions 2013 Addendum No 4 for 2013 (kCHF)Actual contributions in 2013 (kCHF) Add No 4 - Actual Contrib. (kCHF) Institute StandardSpecialTotalStandardSpecialTotal Cashin-kind Cash or in-kind Cashin-kind Cash or in-kind 2013 CERN 2015 3520.022.4 42.4-7.4 IRFU-Saclay, France 18 0.0 18.0 Greek Delegation 100 5015025.0 125.0 UP, Greece 30 21.0 9.0 UTH, Greece 55 0.05.0 NCSR, NTUA, Greece 33 0.03.0 TU-Darmstadt, MPE UFRA, Germany 3.636 39.69.2 # 0 9.230.4 MPP, Germany 5 5 10.0 -5.0 Columbia U., USA 5 50.0 5.0 DTU-Space, Denmark 5 50.0 5.0 UD, Turkey 10 0.022 22.0-12.0 U Bonn, Germany 10 20.0 -10.0 INR, Russia 6 6 3 3.0 LLNL, USA 15 0 0.015.0 UBC, Canada 5 5 0 0.05.0 RBI, Croatia 15 30.0 -15.0 UZ, Spain 27 0.0*33.4 -6.4 UT, Italy 5 5 0.52 0.54.5 MPS, Germany 10 10.0 10 TOTAL 2179488398.6124.281.321.0226.5172.1

9 Contributions 2013 Contributions in 2013:  CASH 145.2 kCHF (plus 8.9 kCHF reimbursements)  In-kind contributions81.3 kCHF  Total for 2013226.5 kCHF (compared to 398.6 kCHF promised in Add No 4) Over-page details of outstanding contributions at end of 2011+2012+2013

10 Outstanding contributions end 2013 Out-standing year sum 201120122013 2011+12+13 (kCHF) Institute CERN4.9-40.1-7.4-42.6 IRFU-Saclay, France0. Greek Delegation50.0125.0 300.0 UP, Greece-21.1-21.79.0-33.8 UTH, Greece0.05.0 10.0 NCSR, NTUA, Greece0.03.0 6.0 TU-Darmstadt, MPE UFRA, Germany5.24.430.439.9 MPP, Germany1.45.0-5.01.4 Columbia U., USA0.05.0 10.0 DTU-Space, Denmark0.05.0 10.0 UD, Turkey10.0 -12.08.0 U Bonn, Germany0.010.0-10.00.0 INR, Russia0. LLNL, USA7.610.115.032.7 UBC, Canada5.0 15.0 RBI, Croatia0.015.0-15.00.0 UZ, Spain21.6-10.0-6.45.2 UT, Italy0. MPS, Germany0.0 Total (excluding overpayments) 473.7

11 M&O B a) a) Detector & sub-system M&O 2013 Institute X-ray detector or X-ray detector M&O sub-system2013 [kCHF] IRFU-Saclay, FranceM&O existing detectors (gas 0.34k, Epool 2.5k)2.8 TU Darmstadt, Germany Pump repairs (3.33k), transport box XRT(1.01k) shipping (1.16k), x-ray finger(0.98k), Computing (1.09k) 7.6 UZ, SpainSupport and maintenance of MM detectors 9.7 U BonnInGrid detector support and test measurements6.55 CERN, Switzerland X-ray Lab upgrades (machining collimators, filter holders, targets). Vacuum, tools, chamber gas pressure regulator). Consumables and Epool 24.3 TOTAL 50.9

12 M&OB b) Detector & subsystem investment, development, construction, testing, installation & alignment. Quite large investments made… Institute X-ray detector or X-ray detector M&O sub-system [kCHF] IRFU-Saclay, FranceMicrobulk MM6.87 UZ, Spain Construction new detectors SRMM and associated systems. New Veto for SSMM. 44.8 NCSR,GreeceX-Y microbulk MM U Bonn Investment in new InGrid (detector, gas & vacuum components, electronics) 19.57 CERN, Switzerland Big SDD and preamp, detector vacuum housings, peltier cooling systems, PX5 pulse processor. PCB and electrical work. Electron beam welding. UPS. 49.1 U Patras Nano windows development. PhD student, consumables (solvents, acids..), constructions in mechanical workshops 17.0 LLNL, Columbia USA, New XRT DTU-Space Denmark TOTAL 137.4 160

13 Summary M&O A & B Contributions 2013 Total contributions in 2013 were 414.8 kCHF Category 2013 Fraction [kCHF] Category A (I)145.20.35 Category A (II)81.30.20 Category B (a)50.90.12 Category B (b)137.40.33 Total414.81.00 160

14 Status Expenditure 2013 Expenditure reached 76% of the 2013 Budget estimate Underspend mainly due:  Delays in installing detectors in CAST  Delay in calibrating XRTs in PANTER (15kCHF/XRT) Over-page details of expenditure M&O A 2013 2013 Budget estimate (kCHF) Actual expenditure (kCHF) General M&O Industrial services and subsistence76106.3 Experimental operation costs13086.6 Experimental upgrades Common Investments4714.7 Low energy detector and window development144.3 MFB platform3416.5 Total301228.4

15 2013 detailed budget versus actual expenditure budgetactual GENERAL M&O2013 (kCHF) a) Industrial services and subsistence 1Students3736.0 2Spokesman3035.4 3External support for CFD333.5 4External support for Slow Control00.0 5Mechanical support (FSU)61.4 6Total76106.3 b) Experimental operation costs 7Stores163.3 8Cars1211.4 9Phones/printing/transport costs84.1 10Gas/cryo liquids20.0 11Epool119.3 12Mechanical workshops and materials (CERN plus Institutes )80.0 13Subsistence/expenses (data taking)1210.8 14GRID plus XRT alignment89.9 15Aid for breakdown in detector subsystems44.0 16Slow Control(computers/monitors/tapes)63.7 17Repairs, maintenance on pumps& gauges & RGA1013.3 18Mechanical movement maintenance & running costs43.2 19Electrical work and cabling workshop60.6 20Safety20.3 21Divers( cleaning/ outreach/ courses/ trips /Patras workshop grant)62.1 22Payment AB for FSU for power converter +3He PLC maintenance75.0 23Contract with ABB (6k + contingency for call outs)85.7 24Total13086.6

16 2012 detailed budget versus actual expenditure (cont.) budgetactual 2013 Experimental upgrades(kCHF) a) Common Investments 25Vacuum run Windows, wedges to straighten MFB pipework22.7 26XRT test in x-ray beam (PANTER) TRANSPORT COSTS301.3 27Webcam System/sun filming upgrades/alignment monitors21.1 283He standby maintenance and eventual system removal2 293He system to refill LLNL bottle and shipment back to LLNL 30Tree clearance for sun filming 31Instrumentation (load pin displays & new temp probes)58.2 32Cable replacement and contribution to cryo repairs20.0 33Storage/ barrack outside SR8 for (e.g. Barbe/INGRID/LLNL-XRT) 34Intervention to open or close cryostat 35Scaffolding for interventions41.4 36sub total4714.7 b) Low Energy Detector and Window development 37Support physicists for studies and calculations new physics20.0 38Support for Low Energy detector R&D and tests60.0 39Low Energy Windows, prototypes and tests64.3 40sub total144.3 c) MFB Platform 41Design - new loading calculations, study to strengthen XRT platform.48.4 38 Design - integration of vacuum lines and vacuum interfaces to some detectors60.6 39New MFB XRT platform or strengthening of the existing one104.6 40Mechanical work for mounting new instruments/shielding on CAST83.0 41Electrical work & cabling on new instruments/new detector60.0 42sub total3416.5 43Total9535.6 44Grand Totals301228.4

17 Magnet Operation in 2013 Operation in 2013 shorter due to intervention inside cryostat Actual valuesProjected values ItemDept 20112012201320142015 Units Cryogenics M&OEN(kCHF)180 Cryogenics power (hours)29514877340050406768 EN(kCHF)8113494139186 Power Converter power (hours)797157610328063091 EN(kCHF)6117622 FSU maintenance (TE) CAST(kCHF)55555 Yearly TOTALCERN(kCHF)267325281324388

18 Status Common Fund end 2013 Balance 76.0 kCHF  75.6 kCHF Outstanding contribution 473.7 kCHF  (2011+2012+2013) Balance still +ve but on the low side  Prefer to keep a buffer of >100kCHF Outstanding Contributions extremely high nearly 0.5M CHF !  Main causes: Bulk of OC from Institutes still to sign Addendum No4 Financial constraints at home

19 Draft Budget request 2014  Schedule 2014  Experimental Program  Draft Budget request  Overall financial situation

20 Schedule 2014 Original (In FRC report) Complete mechanical repair work on Main Compressor gear box bearings Cool magnet Test magnet at 13kA Install MPE XRT after calibration in PANTER Align XRT & InGrid detector target. Install InGrid detector and shielding Install new full coverage veto counter for Sunset MM Full survey GRID measurement Take data for 2 months with SSMM and InGrid and if possible SDD detector on the vacant SRMM line Install new LLNL XRT in July 2014 Align LLNL XRT & SRMM target Install SRMM detector and final heavy shielding Check alignment of MPE-XRT 2 month data taking run with complete Phase IV detector system between Mid- September and mid-November Stop data taking due to CV intervention at LHC8 mid-November 2014. REVISED

21 Schedule 2014 Revised Complete mechanical repair work on Main Compressor gear box bearings Cool magnet  7 weeks late before cryo stable Install MPE XRT after calibration in PANTER  Align XRT & InGrid detector target. Install InGrid detector and shielding Install new full coverage veto counter for Sunset MM Full survey GRID measurement Contamination problem on InGrid/XRT  Send XRT to MPE for tests  Clean/replace the contaminated pieces (shared between Bonn & Common Fund)  Bake out valves attached to cryostat  Large effort - add contingency to budget request Take data for 2 months with SSMM Install new LLNL-XRT in August/September 2014 Align LLNL XRT & SRMM target  Install SRMM detector and final heavy shielding  Take data for 3-4 weeks SRMM + LLNL-XRT  Sun Filming <<------------------------------------------------------TODAY Reinstall MPE-XRT  Check alignment of MPE-XRT & InGrid target Install InGrid Install SSMM 1 month data taking run with complete Phase IV detector system until mid-November  Stop data taking due to CV intervention at LHC8 mid-November 2014.

22 Draft Budget Request 2014 Budget to fulfil schedule above Present budget request 255.3 kCHF (was 301 kCHF in 2013)  Subsistence significantly reduced (~60kCHF) THANKS TO CERN & PH MANAGEMENT FOR PERSONNEL SUPPORT  Reduced data taking period Less subsistence required  Costs of de-contamination work included Detailed budget request over-page M&O A 20142014 Budget Request [kCHF] Industrial services and subsistence64.3 Experimental operation costs112 Common investments41 Low Energy detector and window development31 MFB platform7 Total255.3

23 Detailed 2014 draft budget request GENERAL M&O2014 a) Industrial services and subsistence(kCHF) 1Students27 2Spokesman3 3External support for CFD16.7 4External support for Slow Control12.6 5Mechanical support (FSU)5 6sub total64.3 b) Experimental operation costs 7Stores8 8Cars12 9Phones/printing/transport costs8 10Gas/cryo liquids2 11Epool7 12Mechanical workshops and materials (CERN plus Institutes )4 13Subsistence/expenses (data taking)16 14GRID + XRT alignments12 15expenses for analysis, clean and replacements for silicone contamination10 16Slow Control(computers/monitors/tapes)6 17Repairs, maintenance on pumps& gauges & RGA5 18Mechanical movement maintenance & running costs2 19Electrical work and cabling workshop2 20Safety (chemical cupboard)4 21Divers(vacuum cleaning/ cleaning/ outreach/ courses/ trips /Patras workshop grant)5 22Payment AB for FSU for power converter +3He PLC maintenance5 23Contract with ABB (1.9k + contingency for call outs)4 sub total112 24Total176.3 + Bonn

24 2014 Experimental upgrades(kCHF) a) Common Investments 25Vacuum run Windows, wedges to straighten MFB pipework0 26XRTs in PANTER30 27Webcam System/sunfilming upgrades/alignment monitors0 283He standby maintenance and eventual system removal0 293He system to refill LLNL bottle and shipment back to LLNL0 30Tree clearance for sun filming0 31Instrumentation4 32Cable sheath repairs3 33Storage/ barrack outside SR8 for (e.g. Barbe/INGRID/LLNL-XRT)0 34New lifting jacks for magnet movement4 35sub total41 b) Low Energy Detector and Window development 36Support physicists for studies on radiation pressure detector6 37Support for relic axion activities20 38Low Energy Windows, prototypes and tests5 39sub total31 c) MFB Platform 40Design - new loading calculations, study to strengthen XRT platform.0 41Design - integration on XRT platform3 42New MFB XRT platform or strengthening of the existing one0 43Mechanical work for mounting new instruments/shielding on CAST2 44Electrical work & cabling on new instruments/new detector2 45sub total7 46Total79 47Grand Totals255.3 Detailed 2014 draft budget request

25 Overall Financial Situation Addendum No 4 signing phase - ~ 70% Institutes have signed  6 Institutes still have not signed 85.7 kCHF in Cash Contributions in 2014 so far At the end of 2014 with no further Contributions to the Common Fund…  Balance will be ~ -34 kCHF We will come back to this in the financial outlook for Phase IV ……….. (kCHF) Balance start of 2014 76.0 All Cash Contributions in 2013 (see table 10) 85.7 Total 161.7 Expenditure 95.4 Balance 15 August 2014 66.3 Outstanding valid Commitments 15 August 2014 17.3 Pipeline3.3 Estimated still to spend to end of 2014 79.5 Total 100.1 Estimated balance end 2014 if no further contributions -33.8 75.6 kCHF

26 Future Outlook – Vacuum Running and Beyond  Experimental Program - Phase IV  Financial Outlook for Phase IV and Beyond

27 Experimental Program - Phase IV and Long Term Outlook 2014  Axions (SSMM,SRMM/XRT, InGrid/XRT)  Chameleon (InGrid/XRT) 2015  Early cryo start up requested. Aim for 6-7 months data taking  Axions (SSMM,SRMM/XRT, InGrid/XRT)  Chameleon (InGrid/XRT)  First run Chameleon (Radiation Pressure/XRT) (InGrid) 2016  Will depend on the evolution and performances of : InGrid (mesh signal, optimised X-ray windows) …. 2016 move to other beam line? Radiation Pressure device Developments and Integration studies for Relic Axion devices (installation on Sunset side) 2017  Full exploitation of Radiation pressure and Relic devices sdd

28 Long Term Outlook Program of measurements  2017  2020? Need safe and efficient magnet & cryo operation over 3-6 years …  Cryogenics Control and Supervision system relies on >20 y.o ABB PLC system No longer 48hr response from ABB 2 week response on best effort (retirees from ABB)  TE-CRG have strongly advised CAST to undertake a migration to a standardised CERN system TE-CRG have requested in 2013 & 2014 funds for the migration  Accelerator Consolidation Workshop 12.09.2013 (L Tavian) Not authorised  IEFC, 08.08.2014, TE-CRG Consolidations (D Delikaris) Response in October ? Cost of migration 250kCHF  200kCHF control racks  50kCHF PJAS to oversee the project Search for funding  CERN Consolidation funds  CAST Institutes contribution ?  CAST M&O A budget (PJAS) ? Two smaller upgrades under study:  Solar tracking system (not expensive but very delicate)  Roots primary pump shaft seals upgrade 10kCHF (to be done 1Q2015)

29 CAST detector (LHC P8) CERN Axion Solar TelescopeCryogenic unit (former DELPHI): 800 W @ 4.5 K with one Leybold pumping unit for 1.9 K operation IEFC, 08.08.2014, TE-CRG Consolidations, D. Delikaris

30 Financial Outlook for Phase IV and beyond First, consider the contribution so far in 2014 – total 85.7kCHF Expect to receive cash or in-kind contributions in 2014 from :  Greek Delegation (decision October?)  DTU Space  Zaragoza CASH CONTRIBUTIONS DateInstitute(CHF)Comments 22.01.2014DTU SPACE100002012 & 2013 24.02.2014Greek Delegation20000First contribution to 2012 16.05.2014RBI150002014 12.06.2014Bonn100002014 07.07.2014MPS100002014 09.07.2014MPP50002014 total70000 REIMBURSEMENTSFor payments via Common Fund DateInstitute(CHF)Comments 22.01.2014Patras9875.2Patras expenses 27.03.2014Zaragoza1570.0Service of Alcatel turbo 07.04.2014TUD4276.3Servicing XRT gate valves by VAT total15721.5

31 Financial Outlook for Phase IV (cont) Estimated balance end 2014  -34kCHF To restore CAST finances back to our model of 100kCHF buffer at the end of 2014:  Need Additional Contributions of 133.8 kCHF CAST should be able to an achieved this easily with: Either the Outstanding Contributions from end 2013 (2011+2012+2013)  Outstanding Contributions (OC) start of 2014 473.7k CHF Or  Total Cash Contributions still outstanding from the year 2014~ 242 kCHF In each case, relying heavily on a sizeable Contribution from the Greek Delegation The present Addendum (No4) will be completed at the end of 2014 Next step is a one-year Addendum to extend Phase IV running in 2015 and complete Axion physics Next 2 months crucial  The clarification and resolution of the problem of signatures and contributions to the Add No 4 is essential  We need help of CERN Management to resolve these issues.  We need to rapidly complete Addendum No 7 (2015)

32 Summary M&OA 2010-2014 Summary of typical values 2010-2013: Budget 340 kCHF Contributions 260 kCHF ( 175 k cash) Spending 300 kCHF Sums promised 360 kCHF 20102011201220132014Average (kCHF) (2011-2013) Budget357446327301255337.2 Cash + in kind contributions251.2320.4228.1226.5 256.6 Cash alone184.3251.5118.3145.2 So far 85.7 174.8 Spent297.3351.9295.9228.4 293.4 Sum promised in Addendum389.4278.1368.6398.6371.6361.3 Balance at start of year205.4165.5137.469.075.6

33 Conclusions 2014  Lost 4 weeks physics with cryo problems  2 months Axion physics (SSMM)  3 weeks Axion Physics (SRMM / new XRT)  Prospects of 4 weeks with Full Final CAST Phase IV detectors SSMM SRMM/XRT InGrid/XRT  Six Institutes still to sign Add No 4 – Help from CERN to resolve this issue.  Two new Institutes will officially be joining CAST when formalities completed.  December 2014 is the end of Addendum No4  Estimate ~ 34k deficit end 2014 if no more cash contributions  At present 0.47 MCHF Outstanding contributions up to end of 2013 242 kCHF Outstanding Cash contributions from 2014 A sizeable contribution from the Greek Delegation is essential in coming months  New Addendum needed (work to start after October SPSC meeting - very late) 2015  Decision on Cryo Upgrade required at start of 2015 to be ready for start 2016. Funding?  Full Physics year ahead (axions and chameleons) – heavy shift/costs load on CAST Collaboration  Exciting tests then commissioning of the Radiation Pressure device in prospect  Exciting R&D on Relic detectors in prospect


35 Additional Slides


37 Greek Delegation Contributions - history At present date: Contributions for 2012 (130kCHF) and 2013 (150kCHF) and 2014 (150kCHF) are outstanding Add No 2Add No 3Add No 4 2005200620072008200920102011201220132014 Promised 100 150 Payments 20050 2006 76.4 2007 100 2008 36.3100 2009 100 2010 0 2011 10050 2012 250 2013 2500 2014 20 0 total212.7300120


39 2013 Budget report 2013 is the first year of the Addendum No4 concerning the Phase IV (2013-2014)  Vacuum Running Contributions for the Phase IV are detailed in the table below.

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