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Judi Moreillon, Assistant Professor, School of Library and Information Studies, Texas Woman’s University, Denton For Students in LS5443: Librarians As.

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Presentation on theme: "Judi Moreillon, Assistant Professor, School of Library and Information Studies, Texas Woman’s University, Denton For Students in LS5443: Librarians As."— Presentation transcript:

1 Judi Moreillon, Assistant Professor, School of Library and Information Studies, Texas Woman’s University, Denton For Students in LS5443: Librarians As Instructional Partners

2 Overview Today’s goal To build your background for collaboratively creating the semester-long TWU Pioneer School Library ProjectTWU Pioneer School Library Project Objectives Describe marketing and advocacy. Review the components of this assignment, A.4.3.A.4.3 Show, describe, and discuss strategies for collaborative work.

3 Building Support for the Library Program in the Learning Community What is marketing? When we market library services, we first learn what is important to our library users. We design messages about our library program that will resonate with users’ needs and desires. Dr. Ken Haycock: “People do things for their own reasons.” We brand our services and develop messages that will resonate with our users.

4 Building Support for the Library Program in the Learning Community How do we find out what’s important to our users? 1.We listen. 2.We make, distribute, and analyze surveys. 3.We regularly ask for feedback and input. 4.We have a suggestion link on our Web site or a suggestion box on our circulation counter. 5.We pay attention to principal, district, state, and national initiatives. And we connect this information with what we know about the priorities of a 21 st -century library program.

5 Sample Branding Slogans or Mottos using ALA’s @your library®@your library® Follow the path… to learning @your library® Reading Matters @your library® Open Doors with Reading @your library® Opening Doors to Learning @your library®

6 Sample Slogans/Mottos Your logo should match your slogan/motto/brand name. A pictorial logo can be effective but so can a simple Wordle.Wordle Your logo must look clear and professional in both color and black and white and at various sizes for use on all library program documents.

7 Famous quote from Dr. M.’s favorite PR expert: “It doesn’t matter how great your idea or product is if nobody knows about it.” Robert Moreillon, Public Relations Entrepreneur Every time we shared a great idea at the dinner table, my father would begin his comments with this phrase, which we learned to recite in unison as a family. (circa 1955 – 1968)

8 Advocating for the 21 st Century Learner and Library What is advocacy? When we advocate for our library programs, we must first build programs and collect evidence related to the value of our work in the learning community. Advocacy begins with an exemplary program. We share evidence of student achievement and educator growth that has resulted from our exemplary program. Our goal in advocating for our own program is for students, classroom teachers and specialists, principals, and other administrators to advocate for our program as well.

9 The What of Advocacy What? Sharing information and evidence related to the results of  classroom-library collaborative teaching  literacy initiatives and events sponsored or supported by the library program  inservice workshops and presentations for faculty, staff, parents, other librarians, administrators, and more  collection development initiatives  And more What are your examples?

10 The How of Advocacy How? Sharing information and evidence of achievement in  the library print and/or electronic newsletter  the library contribution to the principal or district newsletter  notices on the school library Web site  bookmarks, brochures, and flyers  publications in the local and national press  publications in professional journals  and more… What are your examples?

11 A.4.3 – Marketing and Advocacy Project Audience: Preservice Classroom Teachers and Administrators  Collaboration on a Wikispaces wiki (in order to take advantage of the discussion tab)  Active negotiation of project content  Slogan  All content and the elevator speech relate to the instructional partner and leader roles of school librarians  Marketing tool  Carefully selected Web 2.0 tools  See the A.4.3 Rubric downloadable from:

12 A.4.3 – Marketing and Advocacy Project Content and Collaboration  Negotiated throughout the semester  Begins with slogan negotiations and reviewing examples (in Module 2.2)  Collecting artifacts throughout the semester  Collaboratively developing a marketing tool  Integrating Web 2.0 into marketing, advocacy, and learning  Learning to work with a team of more than two other educators

13 A.4.3 – Marketing and Advocacy Project What are your thoughts and questions? Bring your technology questions to O.D.0.0: Technology Support. Bring your assignment questions to O.D.1.0: Assignment Support. Bring your thoughts to the Discussion Board.

14 For your between semesters reading list All school librarians could benefit from reading: Don’t Think of An Elephant: Know Your Issues and Frame the Debate by George Lakoff (Chelsea Green, 2005) Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die by Chip Heath and Dan Heath (Random House, 2007) Whoever Tells the Best Story Wins: How to Use Your Own Stories to Communicate with Power and Impact by Annette Simmons (AMACOM, 2007)

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